
Showing posts from September, 2019

A Love Letter from my God

God, I hate to admit it, but... I feel so alone. I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Yeah. but I feel unloved, you know? I want someone to be thinking about me right now. I chose you before the foundation of the world. But I just want to be known by someone! Really truly, fully known. I have searched you and I know you. Can't I just have a person, physically here with me? To hold me? I am holding you close to my heart. I keep getting my hopes up. I'm so tired of being let down. I will never leave nor forsake you. 1.  Matthew 28:20 2 .  Ephesians 1:4 3 .  Psalm 139:1 4 .  Isaiah 40:11 5 .  Deuteronomy 31:6

Houses and Visions and Tensions (oh my!)

Unless the Lord builds the house,     those who build it labor in vain. This verse (Psalm 127:1) has been haunting me (in a good way!) over the past week or so. I'm such a planner that there have been countless times, even in the past few days, where I am in the middle of plotting something or worrying about something in the future and the Holy Spirit has gently reminded me... Unless the Lord builds the house,     those who build it labor in vain. It convicts me. It stops me in my tracks. It gets to me every. single. time. Because truth be told, I am trying so hard all the time to make sure things go "according to plan." I crave the satisfaction that comes from envisioning things going a certain way, and then watching them fold in exactly that fashion. And I'll do whatever it takes to weasel my way into the unfolding of it all, ensuring that I get my way. I course-correct and manipulate the situations that seem like th...

You're right where you're supposed to be.

Our God is a jealous God.   This has always sat weirdly with me. God can’t be JEALOUS, right? Isn’t He all good, all the time? But there are countless examples in Scripture where God is referred to as a jealous God. It has to mean something significant or it wouldn’t be mentioned so many times.   I think God wants us to put Him first in our lives. Heck, I KNOW this because it doesn’t get any clearer than “thou shalt not have any other gods before me.” It’s in the rules. In fact, it's the FIRST rule. It's in the Ten Commandments. It’s crystal clear.   But what does that mean practically for our lives? I think the answer may go a little deeper than some rules written on a stone tablet.   (Side note: is that why our iPads and Kindles are called “tablets?” Another blog post idea.) So if God wants us to put Him first, that means He also does NOT want anything to come before Him. Like, anything.   And I’m such a control freak that ...

It doesn't have to make sense.

Friends, I'm going to try and write this post as coherently as I possibly can, but fair warning: the stuff I'm about to say is TRIPPY and it's probably going to sound a little out there. This is the deep end, people. Buckle up. So I've been noticing a lot of seemingly opposite things in my life that are somehow both true and real, and yet... separate. They don't really make any sense. Let me explain. A pretty common example is spurred by the age-old question, "Is God in control, or does man have free will?" The short answer is "Well, both..." right? But how? How can God be in charge of EVERYTHING and yet I can choose the shirt I put on each morning? Or bigger decisions, too! I can choose where to go to college or what jobs to apply for, or who to date. Me. I can decide that. But doesn't God know every page in my book, before I even think or say anything? How is that possible? It has to be one or the other, right? Or what about how...