Okay, so the last post was super depressing. Sorry about that... I just needed someone to listen, when all along I had this guy called Jesus to help me out. Silly me.

So I've been thinking a lot lately about Christianity and religion and science and the meaning of life. Not exactly the correct thoughts for a teenage girl, I know. We're supposed to rant about boyfriends and our hair, right? Well, not me. I'm not sorry for who I am, though... in the words of Miss Lady Gaga:

I'm beautiful in my way, cuz God makes no mistakes.

Or something like that. She sings really fast.

So anyway, I've been thinking a lot and come to some inconclusive conclusions. I feel like high school is the place where people understand that "This is who I am" and try to stick to it. I guess I'm a little behind the pack, because I haven't exactly figured who I am yet, or what I'm going to do with my life.

I know people say "Whatever is in God's plan" which I say a lot, too. But when it comes to life and my future, I have to make some decisions NOW. I guess with all this science class evolution stuff, it's hard to stick to a specific way of thinking.

I don't want you to think I hate Jesus or anything... just because I'm a little confused. I believe that sometimes even pastors and priests get confused... sometimes all you need is a little venting... hence this blog post.

I've narrowed all my theories and contemplations down the the simple fact that THERE WILL NEVER BE A CLEAR ANSWER.

Kind of a cheap answer, right? But once you think about it, it's kind of true. Faith is believing in something without facts... so if there was a definite answer that proved one's faith, it wouldn't be faith.

That sucks sometimes. I feel like most times, I just want a little PROOF. And the fact that I'm not directly going to have any is pretty tough for me to grasp. Don't get me wrong, there are many moments in my life where I am reassured of my faith, acts that only can happen with a loving, gentle, powerful God.

I guess I'm just a little scared, because I know in my heart that I want to pursue Christ in all that I do, with every aspect of my life. It's just scary to think that there's even a tiny-eensy-tinsy chance that this is all just a figment of my imagination... and that is the part that's difficult.

I have to understand that I have a choice, and God allows me that choice. And I can't just choose Him because science and evolution have nothing better to offer, but because I want to whole-heatedly pursue His words and His promises. I want to be able to say that I'm spending my life following Christ, the one who I will always have faith in. A God that is truly superior and never-failing.

Because He is a God of justice, I guess it's only fair to give everyone a choice. So He lets us choose, and I need to choose Him for the right reasons. He died for me, He wrote a book about how to live my life, and He loves me no matter how many times I screw up.

Peace out.


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