It's been a pretty long time since I've done a blog post, mostly because I finished the Bible last year (woo!)

*Sigh.* I guess I'm starting up because I have a problem, and I need to discuss it with whoever is willing to listen.

But, considering the topic of this post, maybe writing about my troubles is extremely redundant and totally against the point I'm trying to make.


I just feel like I'm too selfish. Like I live my life with the idea that the world, my family, my relationships with others, that EVERYTHING revolves around me, which it doesn't. So, you can see my frustration when I'm just now realizing that writing about how selfish I feel isn't helping one bit. In fact, it just might be making the situation worse.

But being the horrible selfish person that I am, I need to vent a little. Here I go again, with the "I need"s and the "I want"s. Stupid stupid stupid.

I'm through with taking this in my own hands, though. So, I'm going to turn it over to God, my Redeemer.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Philippians 2:3-4

Dear God,

Please teach me to be more humble, focusing on You and Your desires for me rather than what I claim to need. I know that I can't do anything apart from You, so I pray that you will strengthen me to keep a healthy mentality and put You in front of everything else. You are worthy of praise, and honor, and truth. And being Your servant, I pray you'll help me be all I can be, doing all I can to further Your name.

In Your Powerful Son's Name I Pray,



Amber said…

I just wanted to drop by and leave some encouraging words. Because I definitely understand the struggle you are referring to. You're certainly not alone in feeling this way, think about how wonderful it is that you are aware of the struggle against selfish desires. Honestly, times of selfishness will come and go for the rest of your life- and it's not because you are a terrible person- it's really just a part of the process. We can't wake up and be perfect one day. We have set backs and that's okay. Besides that, I have a hard time imagining that you are really a terribly selfish person. Keep in mind that God loves you and has given everything for you, and that satan will do anything to deter you from that truth! Don't beat yourself up, just trust that God has you on a path for greatness :)
Carly said…
Thank you thank you thank you. God has the funniest way of bringing us hope exactly when we need it, and I really needed it today! Anyway, I really appreciate the time you took to give me encouragement... you were absolouely right. I'm not going to wake up perfect, its a long process and I'm starting to understand that more and more daily. Life gets hard sometimes, but its when God sends people like you with encouraging words that pull us back to His purpose for us. Thanks again, so very very much :)

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