How many of you thought of some Disney movie when you read that title? I bet you're picturing some valiant knight with long flowy hair riding into the town to run off into the sunset with with redeemed princess or something along those lines.

I'm not talking about that, though.

Picture a famous pop-star crying on the couch reading an article that reads "[Insert Pop-Star's Name Here]: Recent Admittance to Rehab!" The pop-star is shocked when she finds that all of her fans and followers and her true friends have left her. No one cares about her when she's a nobody. When she's not famous, or worthy of their affection.

True love isn't a fairy-tale, and true friends aren't those you can get into a VIP party. Something that is true, in my opinion, is something that matches up to the only Truth we have here on earth-- Jesus Christ. It sounds overused... like "Jesus is the only truth! Repent! Stay true to Him!"

But I can assure you that artificial friendships are far more abundant than a true relationship with Jesus.

Jesus is truth. He said it Himself in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life..."

I bet we've all been there-- that suffocating moment when we realize our relationships aren't as "forever" as we thought they were. Fights with your friends. Your parents. Siblings. Break-ups. Divorces. Marriages and families can be GREAT things.

But there is NO greater love than the love of the Father.

Please check out this song if you have the time, Brandon Heath comes right out and says it in his song, "No Not One":

No better word than from your lips
No perfect life than what you lived
No greater gift, no not one

No brighter star has ever shined
No better hope for all mankind
No higher mind, no not one

No one has ever known
This kind of love you’ve shown

There has never been a greater love
Than your son
No. Not one.

Please keep that in mind when you engage in relationships with other people. There is no greater love that His. We will never be fully satisfied with anyone here on earth-- except for Him. So, I'll say it again:

Jesus is the only truth.
Stay true to Him.

Go in Peace.


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