
If any of you have ever wondered how I got to be so wonderfully talented at writing, or how I came to be so knowledgeable on the Bible, (I hope you can sense my sarcasm...) besides the wisdom given from God, I owe it to Willie.

 At first when I was doing the Bible in a year thing, my grandma was constantly leaving comments and encouraging words. However, once I began to write about things that effected me personally, Mr. Willie Burton stepped in to give me his feedback, which was a little different than the "great job, Sweetie!"s I would get from my Granny. Both are very appreciated, of course :)

Willie knew the Bible. He really really really knew it. And if I said something that was even a little bit contradictory to God's word, he was sure to let me know!

If there's anything I learned from his passing, it's truth. He would always speak the truth, and he rarely sugar-coated it. He was trustworthy and a great friend to my family. And as I look towards the future, I realize how important truth is.
It's not very abundant in today's world, either.

If we all spoke the truth-- if we never lied to cover up our faults, or to boost ourselves up, or to conceal what desperately needed to be heard-- the world wouldn't be filled with so much confusion. I HATE distinguishing between truth and lies. I wish it were all just black and white. True and false. Light and dark. Good and bad.

Willie was a genuine man of truth, and I think we can all start being a little more truthful.
We need to speak truth to ourselves, and know that we are brilliant children of God. We need to know that we aren't perfect, and we need to know that depending on God is the only way to salvation.

We need to be truthful to each other. We need to stop beating around the bush and simply tell each other of the love we have. Of the guidance we can give and the hope we can offer. We need to stop being afraid of what others will think, or what our reputation will endure and just speak the truth!

To whoever is reading:

I love you. God loves you. Without Him, you can't do anything. He wants a relationship with you so you will live in His perfection.
I'm here for you. Please let me know how I can help further your walk with Christ! He is alive and living among us.



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