Thoughts after a Fabulous Day

Sometimes life gets so hard I just need to vent about it to the worldwide web. I need to process things because I can't make sense of it all.

Today is not one of those days. In fact, today is fabulous. I love it very much. And instead of trying to organize my scattered, broken thoughts about a hurting world, I will try to process the goodness of the Lord, even though I won't really be able to experience its fullness until I'm in His courts.

I've been exploring the concept of waiting for the "right" kind of person before getting too emotionally involved in a relationship. (And, by "exploring," I simply mean trying... failing... learning... repeat. It's quite the process.) Anyway, I've had my ups and downs, but overall God is teaching me that there are really great, wholesome, honest, God-fearing men out there that love people how Jesus does. They open doors for you, and not out of obligation or societal standards but because it's a way to show that they care. They are not mythical creatures we read about in young adult novels or hot bodies we drool over in chic flics... they are real, live humans. And they exist.

The tough part is not settling for someone who is second-best. For example, let's say you meet a really funny guy who has similar taste in television shows. If he's not pursuing you the way that the "right" kind of guys will be one day, then maybe you should cool it. (I'm talking to myself here, not lecturing you, for the record.)

If you're making excuses for a liar because deep down he's a "really good guy," maybe you should reconsider the immense worth that God places upon you, and believe that one day you'll meet someone who treats you like He does.

If you're caught in a relationship built on lust because you don't want to be alone, maybe you should take a step back and reexamine the way God sees relationships and reaffirm what you already know: that God says what He says because He loves you and wants to protect you from hurt.

If you're still healing after being hurt, don't lose hope! You are unconditionally loved by the Creator of the UNIVERSE and yet, He still cares enough to hold you close to His heart. (See Isaiah 40:11)

I don't have all of the answers. And I don't want to make it sound like I do, because I don't. But when you experience a day like today: a day filled with family, fellow believers, women in faith who build you up, and Godly men who remind you that you shouldn't settle for men who aren't going to pull their weight, you just get it. 

God is good. ALL THE TIME. When you're willing (and I mean really willing and not just apathetically letting His goodness ooze into your life)... when you're honestly seeking His face above all else, good things happen. Good days happen that produce heavenly conversation and edifying thoughts.

And I guess I just wanted to share it with you. You're awesome. God loves you and so do I.

Love and Grace,


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