Love is bigger than you think.

It's bigger than we will ever be able to comprehend, bigger than everything we've ever experienced. Ever.

I once didn't believe in the whole "evolution" thing. I just thought that if anything ever contradicted my religion, it was completely, 100% false. Period.

But the more I learn about the God I worship and the world I live in... I begin to understand a little more about what I once thought was impossible. You learn something new every day, I suppose.

Let's start with a turtle. Because regardless of whether or not scholars believe we're related to them, I think we have some pretty similar characteristics that we need to take note of.

First, turtles have shells. Duh.

They hide in them when they're afraid. They shut out the world outside them, no matter what it could be offering, because their selfish instincts tell them that they have to watch out for themselves. I could be handing a turtle a perfectly large piece of lettuce, but because I'm a little scary, or because the lettuce isn't the kind that he likes, he hides inside his stupid little shell.

Second, turtles bite people. They get angry and decide that no matter what is around the corner, they need to "defend" themselves. Now, we all know that a turtle bite isn't exactly the deadliest bite in the world... and I bet the turtle knows that deep down inside, too. But he bites anyway, in hopes to defend what is left of his tiny turtle self.

I think it is important to note that we don't exactly know where the turtle's shell came from. I believe that God has the power to create all things, and He is known as the Creator, after all. But did Jesus preach the importance of knowing where turtles came from? Did he stress the fact that God created each and evert thing exactly as it is today? I personally don't think so.

I believe God created all things perfect, and unfortunately, we evolved.

It seems to me that scientists think that evolution is the greatest thing that ever happened in history. Like it exists to "perfect" species and to make them better. I would strongly argue that this evolution is making things worse. It's causing species to change and conform to the wisdom in the world around them-- a wisdom that is made clear to be "foolishness in God's sight." (1 Corinthians 3:19)

It may seem like a stretch. But think about it-- Adam and Eve lived in the perfect place. But when they took that apple, and ate that fruit, the world changed forever. Their sole purpose was not to glorify God anymore-- but instead to disobey Him.

Why did they change from what God wanted of them? They wanted fruit for themselves. They wanted to be wise. They wanted to be like God. They were selfish. So they changed from what God made them, and from there it was all downhill for humankind... and the whole world, really.

Each species sought out protection, food, praise, and adoration for themselves instead of living for what they were created to do. Turtles got shells to hide in. Wolves got sharp teeth. Bears got claws. Bees got stingers.

Humans lost love.

Somewhere along the line, this true, passionate love that God's children were blessed with was squandered. Selfish desires overtook the hearts of mankind and just like animals, we began to live for ourselves instead of for God.

I'm not sure if plain old humans are capable of love anymore. That may sound really depressing, and you're probably thinking "CARLY! What are you talking about! Look at all the friends in the world! Look at all the couples! Look at all the marriages!"

But it's in our human nature, unfortunately, to seek things for ourselves. Only one man in history was able to live a life of true love. He was nailed to a cross.

But He rose again.

I believe in Him, and I believe that the only true love-- the one that will not be squandered by selfish desires, only exists through Him.

I encourage you to think the next time you say you love someone. People say hate is a strong word, but they throw love around like it's a stuffed bear you receive on Valentines Day. It's a huge word. It's a huge deal. It's rarely found in the world, because love is NOT self seeking, or proud, and it never fails (see 1 Corinthians 13)

God calls us to love one another. And I can't read His mind or anything, but I'm pretty sure he isn't talking about the "Love you, man! See you tomorrow!" Kind of love. He's talking about the love that is completely selfless. One that would cause you to actually lay down your life for your friends (John 15:13)

Don't love because you feel like you have to. Don't rush relationships and fake love. Don't preface things with "Dude, I love you, but..." Love people because you have the love of Jesus living inside of you.

1 John 4:19 NIV
We love because he first loved us.

Peace out.


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