New Beginnings

We all question God's purpose for us in our lives. We like to think we're in control. I do, anyhow.

And yet, here I sit, in awe of what God is doing in my life and the lives of those I'm in relationship with. It's awe-inspiring-- to think that God has a plan for me, and for all the people I lay eyes upon. It's crazy because I sometimes think I have it all figured out, but then am reminded by God that He is in control, and has a plan that's far better than anything I could ever achieve alone.

He reminds me in my new beginnings that there is HOPE, in every new day, new opportunity, new friend, new lack of friend, too. It's hard when things change because we miss the past and are anxious about the future. But when did our anxiety ever slow down God? He has His own plans, and there is so much peace knowing that He is in control. That HE is the one who came to save us, is currently saving us, and will save us in the hours to come.

Thank you for the work you are constantly doing in my life. Thanks for never leaving my side, even when I turn away from you. Thanks for forgiving me when I turn away, and always accepting me no matter how many times I fail.

Help me live in line with Your plan instead of seeking after my own plans... and help me appreciate all that You've blessed me with. Thank you for my family, and my true friends that stay with me no matter how big of a jerk I am. Thank you for the many opportunities that You give in order for me to be "transformed by the renewing of my mind," and for "leading me beside still waters" and "restoring my soul." You are the Great REDEEMER, Lord. You have saved me from a life of sin, and guilt, and condemnation. From selfish pride and selfish ambitions and hateful ways of thinking. You have showed me Your light, and given me a countless number of do-overs, far more than I deserve. I am still thankful, Lord. For the sending of Your Son and for giving me so many chances to live in Your light.

I love you and devote my being to You.



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