Waiting for the light to turn green.

I oftentimes find myself at traffic lights. Maybe because that's how my town is set up, a couple long streets with a ton of lights every few blocks. Maybe I think there are a lot because I'm impatient. But either way, I find myself at them quite often, and when I do, naturally an over-thinker like myself tends to put a metaphor behind it. I do that a lot. I think I will have a few more posts about that kind I thing-- finding deeper reason and meanings behind seemingly insignificant endeavors. Things we overlook. We never really look for how God can teach us things through each and every day because we get too caught up in the motions. The schedules. The routine. The "being on time" and the penalties of showing up late. Maybe I sound like a hopeless philosopher, but for some reason when I was sitting at a stoplight, waiting for the light to turn green, I got inspired. Call it Divine, call it a girl with an incredibly small attention span, call it whatever you want. But if you're willing to read what I have to say and you learn something you didn't know before, then it's all worth it.

Do you ever sit at a light, foot hovering over the gas, just waiting... Waiting... Waiting... And you see some green somewhere and BAM! You speed through the intersection? Hopefully not, because that can be very dangerous. But you know what I'm talking about, right? You get so focused on when the light will change, how long it will take, whether you'll have enough time to get to wherever the heck you're going... All of these worries consume us to the point that they actually cloud our focus! Too much focus and worry directed at something can sometimes lead us astray. Your turn will come. The light will eventually change. Just be patient. Take a deep breath and trust. Because really, you can't do anything to make it go faster, and you never know when it will change, even f you think you can time it by looking at the other lights changing... It's still a mystery and you don't control the stoplights. You just don't.

Sometimes I get ticked when I see other directions have a green light, and I'm at a standstill. It stinks, right? To wish you were in their shoes instead of your stagnant, smelly sneakers. To wish you were going fast like them, with their hair blowing in the wind. We all get a little envious, I think.

Don't. There is a time for them, and a time where you will be able to excel. Don't ever think that stoplights play favorites. They're logical and reasonable and their judgement is consistently perfect. They don't choose favorites. I promise.

Gods sovereign will is the same for us. He doesn't pick favorites. He is constant. His timing is ALWAYS perfect and without fail, he somehow manages to make everyone have their good days and bad days, in accordance with His perfect plan.

Maybe you've never thought like this. But my friends, the truth is this: He's there and he cares. I pray you will be constantly reminded of his immense, just, neverending love for you even in the strangest of situations.

Grace, peace, and love be with you.


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