The Dangers of Reading too Much into Scripture

You've heard the famous "Do not worry" speech that Jesus told in Matthew, right?

 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
-Matthew 6: 31-34 NIV

It's a pretty well known passage. I would even go so far as to say that the reason it's so popular is because there's an increase in anxiety among people these days, and this is a pretty good remedy for that. "Don't worry about material things, God will provide." That's pretty nice. Or what about "Don't worry about tomorrow, live in the present, focus on today." Solid advice. And if you're someone who just blindly reads these phrases on a bumper sticker, or on the caption of some sunset picture on Instagram, then you'll probably be harmlessly comforted by the words. They're good words, after all. The best.

But what if you're like me, and you overthink everything, and you know the Bible pretty well? I'm not a Bible scholar by any means, but I love God's Word and I like seeking His direction when I'm facing life. The point here is that I am having a hard time blindly accepting God's Word because I think too much. And sometimes the more I think about it, the more it doesn't make sense. Sometimes the more I think about it, the more it convicts me, and cuts me to my core. It agitates me other times. It's supposed to bring peace but sometimes it brings conviction and I realize I'm in the wrong. I'm faced with the Truth and the Life and it shines a light on my lies and my sin. 

And I try to manipulate the Word sometimes to fit what I'm doing... to validate my actions. This is wrong, and I know it's wrong, hence why I am blogging about it. I want to get to the bottom of this hole that I've fallen into and have God lift me out of it. Because right now, at this exact moment, I'm sad. And impatient. And frustrated. And... lost.

Let me explain. *the rant commences*

So there's this guy. (Isn't there always a guy? Maybe that's the root of all my problems. *Sigh.*) Anyway, he's a good guy. He's a nice guy. He cares about people and he is polite and poised and writes in cursive. Quite dignified. He's classy. You get the point.

I started liking him... like, liking him, and if you know me, you know I get in over my head 99% of the time. I just love love. I want it so badly. So, naturally, when an attractive guy comes miraculously into my life and shows interest in me, I'm all about it. I'd known him for a few days and was already contemplating my future with him. I was trying to uphold my favorite Bible verse, "fix your eyes on things unseen." I was looking towards an "eternal" view of this relationship (fling) and thinking wayyyy long term. Which is where the problems began.

Instead of "living in the present," and "not worrying about tomorrow," I proactively (bluntly) asked him what his intentions were. After 3 mere days of spending time together. Three. What is wrong with me.

He then proceeded to explain how he really liked me, but that due to our differences, we wouldn't work out in the long run. I was crushed, but I secretly was relieved. I feel like I dodged a bullet. I could have fallen much harder, but I didn't. I had my long-term, eternal goggles on and saved myself in the long run. I was spared of the heartache later... Or so I thought.

Because then, after the smoke had settled and we spent a few days (yes, a few days) apart, I started to miss him. I missed being wrapped in someone's arms the most, which sounds weird, but I'm keeping it real here. (I love being held.) I missed having someone to talk to, and someone to think I was funny. And pretty. *Insert stereotypical girl lament here*


So I realize this is a little rant-y... let me simplify what went down so far:

1. I preemptively started developing feelings for someone, the minute he walked into the room
2. I fell hard, and started worrying about the future really quickly, with the whole "what is seen is temporary, what is unseen in eternal" thing in mind
3. After knowing his intentions for the future, I realized they didn't matter because I missed him so much, so I promptly jumped back into his arms in the name of "not worrying about the future"


It's a very spiritually messed up situation. I realize this. I'm trying to make sense of it, so I can learn something (or a lot of things, since it's so messed up,) and then be one step closer to being renewed by God's Spirit. My issue is not that I'm ignoring God's Word, but that I'm trying to do everything all at once. I know the Bible, but instead of letting Scripture lead my next move, I'm using Scripture to justify my actions, like post-action. That's so hypocritical! I get so mad when people do that! I am one of those people! NOOOO!!!

So you see, my problem is not that I have no idea what the Bible says, it's that I overthink so much that I twist and turn God's Word into something I can use for my "gain." I am using it to pat myself on the back after a lust-driven fling with a guy I've known for 2 weeks. It's all in the name of "living in the moment!" and "believing in something I can't see" because I "have faith that it will turn into something awesome!" I make myself sick typing this. How could I have fallen so out of God's leading?

Growing up sucks. It really does. Because you have to make decisions for yourself. And over-thinkers like me really freak out when that happens. I don't want to make the wrong decisions. I am not mature enough to make decisions that leave me (temporarily) sad, like breaking things off with that guy. I felt sad because I was too focused on temporary things. I was consumed in the desires of the flesh. That's where the 2 Corinthians thing comes in-- my eyes need to be more fixed on things that are eternal. I can't justify my lustful desires in the name of this make-believe, spiritual "YOLO" that I'm deriving from Jesus' teaching on worry  in Matthew. Doing so would be an injustice to myself, but also to God and His Holy Word.

I need to stop overthinking. I need to get back to the simple roots of Scripture, and strip away all the hidden, manipulated meaning I've been heaping upon it. I love this passage (also in Matthew) where Jesus explains the importance of having child-like faith:

At about the same time, the disciples came to Jesus asking, “Who gets the highest rank in God’s kingdom?”
For an answer Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. What’s more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it’s the same as receiving me.
-Matthew 18: 1-5 MSG
Kids are so cool. If their parents tell them not to touch the stove, they'll most likely not touch it. Some kids (me) do touch the stove, and then they get horribly burnt. They'll most likely never touch the stove again, granted, but now they have a 3rd degree burn on their hand. 
I am praying for a childlike faith. I just want to be able to smile up at God with my (figurative) baby teeth and bright eyes and giggle, "Okay, Daddy! I trust you!"
Because I do. I do trust Him. I just need to get back to the basics. He is enough for my longing. And my fears. And my shortcomings. He is enough.


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