February 5th

February 5th -- Leviticus 24-25

Read these fabulous chapters at www.bible.com, or with the BIBLE READER to the left. Two chapters today, people! You can read it!

You know what I just realized? I shouldn't even be doing this post. I shouldn't be giving advice to people on being a better Christian when I'm not that good of one myself. I am a sinner, and I am absolutely not perfect.

Then again, who is? Besides Jesus, anyway.

In today's reading, one of the Israelites got stoned for using the Lord's name with a curse. In case some of you are unclear on what that means... he used the Lord's name in vain and got beaten with stones to death. Not exactly a fairytale ending.

It got me thinking, though. Who am I to talk to you all about Jesus, when I don't have a clean heart myself? I wish there was some perfect person that could step up and do these devotionals, because I sure as heck aren't doing a perfect job.

I had all day to write this devotional, but I kept putting it off to do other things. I could blame it on how all Americans are lazy, but that's not a very good excuse.

Also, I groaned when I realized that there were even MORE rules to read today. But you know what? Why am I complaining? When is ANYONE complaining?!

I live in a free country. I have a savior that loves me more than words can express, and who will take me in no matter what I've done. I've got a loving family, even when times seem tough. Why am I (and the rest of the world) unsatisfied all the time?

I'm trying to come up with an answer to this question, why everyone is mostly angry about things all the time, and why it takes so much for us just to be happy. I'm trying to figure it out, anyhow. It seems impossible to answer.

Instead of making up some lame excuse as to why we're never happy, I'll just come out an d say it:

The world as a whole are sad people.

When I say sad, I don't only mean depressed. I mean that we can be so caught up in our stupid little lives that we "go with the flow" and "live in the moment," forgetting all that we were sent here to to. It's sad.

For example, let's say that something really "bad" has happened in my life. I can be all sad and depressed about it, and stay in that moment, or I can think back to the wayyy beginning of the Bible. You remember, right?

God made people, Adam and Eve, in his own image. He created them to live and prosper in the world he has created.

He didn't make them to gripe about every little thing that goes wrong. Or, seems to go wrong. In reality, God has made our lives so that we can make our lives better in everything we do. If we follow him, our lives can become better, just like that.

Things seem to go wrong all the time. We pout, cry, and fuss over little things when in reality... life is good. I know that's a slogan for a company, "Life is Good," but they totally got it right. Life can seem like there's no tomorrow sometimes, but I assure you, there's always a tomorrow.

There's always a God. There is always love.

Maybe you're faced with a problem right now. But, tell me this. Is it worth the trouble?

Next time you're in the middle of something that seems like trouble, be still and know that God is always with you. No matter what.

Go in complete peace, and know that you're never alone.


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