Isaiah 12-14

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at They're definitely worth reading, there's some pretty intense stuff you need to read.


I guess I can't truthfully call God a fortune teller, mostly because He knows what will happen because HE is the one who has a plan for everything... but I will continue to relate Him to a fortune teller because of how much CRAZY stuff is happening in today's readings.

Okay, so get this. I know I've been talking about how God has been hinting to the world that Jesus would one day be born to save us from our sins. But THEN, today He hinted about the second coming of Christ!

For people who aren't really sure what that is, I suggest you'd read today's chapters a second time. It's describes better than I can describe it... and this was what GOD described it as, not me. I'll post it below:

Isaiah 13:9

See, the day of the LORD is coming
—a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger—
to make the land desolate
and destroy the sinners within it.

Now, DESTROY is a little harsh. I don't believe God will destroy all people who don't believe in Him. However, consider this YOUR chance to make sure. Make sure that you're covered when God comes again, to take all the believers into heaven.

In reality, we have no idea what God will do when He comes again. I can't tell the future, I can't interpret the Bible any better than a world renowned priest can. But all we DO know, and all we CAN hang onto is what's written in scripture.

God proclaimed one day that Jesus was coming, and BAM. He was born in a manger and saved the world from sin.

In today's reading, God warned us that He is coming again! He always does what He says He'll do, so what are we doing here trying to interpret it? Take it for what it is, and make sure you're ready when God comes again.

Ask Jesus for forgiveness, and He will always forgive. That's what great about Christianity, the fact that Jesus knows we all sin. But when Jesus came to the earth, He died on a cross so that HE was our sacrifice, and we are forgiven.

It's a weird thing to get our heads around, because it happened so long ago. But that doesn't mean His soul isn't still living among every believer today! If you believe that Jesus can and will save you, put your fears, your doubts, your sins on Him.

He wants to have a relationship with you.

And if all this is too confusing... just think about what will happen when He does come back to earth. Will you be ready? Will live for Him?

Please feel free to leave any comments or email me with comments. I promise to help you out :)

I'll be here tomorrow, too.

Peace out.


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