1st Chronicles 13-16

Please be aware the the following blog may not pertain to the reading at all. This is because I haven't read the reading yet. I figure it's no big deal, because there aren't many people reading. I know that's no great excuse, but I just had this AWESOME idea for the topic today, and I decided to write about it. I'm the author.

However------- I'd still recommend reading 1st Chronicles 13-16 and let me know if you have any questions. I'll read it after I do this post.

But first, I will put a nicely prepared microwavable pizza in the microwave. It has simple instructions, which even I, Carly, can understand.

"But Carly," you might ask, "what does this have anything to do with Jesus and the Bible?" You mustn't be so timid! Let me explain.

Today, my mother brought home some cookie mix. They're my favorite cookies, some type of confetti themed vanilla stuff. She makes them PERFECTLY, and they're delicious. They are not recommended to anyone who wants to lose weight, but they are my favorite dessert, besides angel food cake.

So, she was all "Carly! Wanna make some cookies!" and I was feeling quite adventurous, so I agreed to try them myself. They're easy to make, and so simple even children can make them...

Or so I thought.

I put in 2/3 of a cup of oil, and it only called for 1/3 cup. I didn't realize this until I looked at their progress in the oven, and saw this soup-ish substance bubbling inside. My hands were covered in grease, and I thought that was normal... but it wasn't.

Not only were the top of the cookies a liquid, but the bottom was hard and crusty as I tried to pry them from the cookie sheet. Now, they are sitting my fridge... kinda... with a big label on top of them reading WARNING: EAT AT YOUR OWN RISK. MAY BE TOXIC. MAY TASTE LIKE CRAP. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY POISONS. -THE CHEF.

Needless to say, I have given up cooking for the rest of my existence here on Earth. Forgive me if I offend anyone-- but why not just go and buy some cookies at Kroger? I guess cooking is more important to some than others (me.)

Everyone always says "it taste's better when you make it yourself." I firmly with a deep and fiery passion disagree.

Hopefully you're not bored with my failure to cooking, because if you are-- THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU REALLY HAVE TO LISTEN.

How does this pertain to Christianity? How can we take my experiences to better ourselves as Christians? I bet there are a couple of topics you can think of in your head, like "Each little ingredient can make a difference" or "Don't stress the little things" or something. Although these lessons would make a GREAT topic for a children's picture book... I'm going to be brutally honest and tell you what came into my mind.


I can think of a thousand other ways to phrase the above sentence, but this one is both appropriate and child friendly. What it all boils down to is that sometimes, whether we're rich or poor, life can seem like everything is falling apart.

Like, you guessed it, my cooking. Or, baking, or whatever it's called. I burnt my finger and probably poisoned myself with the raw eggs. All I wanted to do was make some cookies! And guess what? I failed. Big time.

Everyone has times like that, though. Everyone has those days where you just epically fail at something, or someone, and there's no where left to turn but 180 degrees in the other direction.

Except-- there's this big guy in the sky that will always love you, and will always take you back. Whether you fail at baking or fail at following His commandments, He will never leave you. Not for one second of your being.

Jesus paid a tough price for His father to be able to forgive our sins, so NEVER FORGET you are ALWAYS loved. Never forget that life seems tough sometimes, but there will always be someone who will never forget about you.

He is literally our father. Sometimes we are so frustrated with our parents we forget what's really important. We sin, we do wrong in their eyes. But just like our parents, God will NEVER forget about us. He will NEVER stop loving us.

He will never stop loving us.

I think I'm going to make a pizza now. Don't forget, okay? Don't forget He will forgive, and He will never let you go.



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