2nd Chronicles 32-36


In "The Sound of Music" Maria sings about her favorite things. All your favorite things should make you happy, make you joyful.

Have you decided that yet? I guess it's not that hard to find something that makes you happy, but the REAL pain is making it useful. Sure, you like to draw. But if you just draw stuff and then hide them in your closet... they're not much of a use.

I'm sorry to make today's devotion so short, I just got home from church and have to wake up early and go back! So, I'm trying to squeeze in what I can. The chapters above can help you finish the Bible this year, but I haven't read them yet. I will tomorrow after church :)

I guess it's a pretty darn good thing that I have an easy message to explain today! Basically, the message is this:

Find out what you like. Then, further God's kingdom in doing so.

Make sense?

Don't take your talent and hold it all to yourself. Don't waste joy on things that can die in a few minutes, like buying a new shirt or playing a prank. If you grasp something that makes you happy for a long time, then you're set.

Like volunteering.

I know, I know, volunteering is overrated to some. But once you start and do it, like I've been doing, it really leaves you with this JOY inside that makes you want to do it again. It's a weird feeling, and it's pretty sweet!

So, go and help someone. Anyone. Tell people about God. Do what's RIGHT in His eyes, like all the good kings we've been reading about!

Get the joy inside, then share it with some people.

That is all. I'll be here tomorrow! Have a lovely weekend and don't forget to CHANGE THE PLACES AROUND YOU. Change the people, rather. Do it! Now! Go!

Peace be with you!


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