1 Corinthians 12:1-31

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It's such a crazyyyyy thought to think that God has specifically given each and every one of His people a special gift to further His kingdom. It's difficult to imagine this huge concept because there are so MANY different gifts. But one thing that Paul stressed is that all of the gifts we're given are one together.

He uses the analogy that we are all like body parts to one body, and we must work in peace with each other. This hard for me sometimes. I sometime get jealous at others' gifts, or even mad that some don't share my gifts, and I completely forget the meaning of gifts in the first place-- to glorify God!

There are so many gifts... leadership, listening, mentoring, speaking... the list goes on and on. But most of you should at least have an idea of what God has blessed you with-- something that you're naturally good at.

So the next time you're with other believers, use your gifts to tackle any tasks together! We are ONE BODY of Christ, not a whole bunch of loners.

God has immensely blessed us all with gifts, and we shouldn't take our blessings for granted! Get out there and use you gift for God-- that's what it's for :)

Dear God,

Thank you for our many gifts. It may be difficult to believe or live for You sometimes, but we know You do care about us and give us great gifts, God. Thank You for blessing us, and help us use our gifts along with others to glorify Your Name to all the world, wherever You call us to be!



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