So... I started this summer blog thing to "kick off my shoes" and have a worry-free summer where I just come in contact with God and focus on His purpose rather than my own... and I've failed miserably. I can't seem to focus on more than like ten things at once. My summer has already gotten so clogged-- in these first few weeks, even!-- that I can't find the time to squeeze in some God.

And I know that sounds horrible. Hopefully I'm not the only person who feels they put Him on the back shelf sometimes.

Butttttt instead of moping about it-- let's do something. Sometimes a simple counting of one's blessings can really put things into perspective... even vague things we take for granted can be counted as blessings, like a roof over our heads, and food in our stomachs.

The reality is that so many people in our messed up world don't have even the necessities to live, and it's a shocking but honest truth.

So next time you want to do something-- anything-- think about how you can bring God into it. How you can thank Him for your many blessings, because they're all gifts, every single one.

Dear God,

Thank you for our many blessings. We will NEVER fully know just how blessed we are, God. Thank you for food and housing and a family, and thank you for your grace and love that never fails. Thank you for Your Son that was crucified on a cross for our pityful sins, God, and help us come to understand how great of a Sacrifice it truly was.

Help us remember Your plan for us in our busy lives, overtaken by lies and lust and unfaithfulness. We fail, God, because we are human... but You love us anyway. You forgive us and You love us no matter what.

Let this be a fresh start, Jesus, as we begin a new day, if it is in Your plan. Please give us a new mindset, one that focuses on You and Your plan. We love you, Jesus, and we pray all of this in Your strong Name,



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