Today's short chapter just makes you wanna shout "AMEN!" It's not mandatory or anything, but if you wanna read the chapter I read before the prayer, I'll post it below :) If you don't have a bible handy, is a really great website that has just about every version of the Bible you can imagine :)

Today's chapter to read is Isaiah 61

Dear Lord,

Forgive us when we fail to remember Your power, strength, and mightiness. In this world it gets so easy to just move on with life, free from the fact that you even exist. The world is constantly trying to push You out of it, God, and after reading this passage, we're aware that You are a God of justice! You are forgiving and loving, but hate it when we turn away from You.

Thank You for our many blessings, and we know that they aren't just given freely, but for the sole purpose of spreading Your hope and love to others.

We are called every day to live a life that is pleasing to You. A life in which we obey what was written so long ago, and grow deeper in our relationship with You, Jesus. Please don't let us fall away from this purpose, as we so often do. Remind us that You will always prevail, and our piece in your plan is very much alive and important.

We love You, Jesus, and we need You in our lives.



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