James 1:1-18


Hopefully I'm not the only one who ends their day sometimes with the thought of defeat. Not everyday... I'm not like depressed all the time, but after a long hot summer day, I often feel drained.

I'm trying not to complain, though. Complaining is for the people who need sympathy of others, and after reading today's reading, I'm assured that we're temped and trialed by sin every single day, and complaining about it simply doesn't help.

God grants us perseverance in our trials so we can be matured, as it says in James 1 verse 4. I like that idea, that there is something better waiting for us that we can encounter once we've overcome our struggles.

God gives us opportunities to spread His love, and all we need to do is be open to them. That way, I believe, if we focus on Jesus throughout the day, maybe the feeling of defeat will be... well... defeated!

Dear God,

Please be a permanent reminder of how we should live each day, eager to spread Your message in all we do. Trials and temptations will come, Lord, but we know that we will emerge as changed people when we overcome difficulty how You want.

Help us by giving us blatant opportunities to spread Your message, and empower us to listen to Your spirit calling us. Help us end the day with a feeling that we've accomplished something, instead of defeat. We need You, Jesus, and we love You.



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