2nd Chronicles 17-20


Alright, alright. Don't jump to conclusions and think that I'm going to change your life like those creepy TV therapists. I'm not going to tell you to see a specialist, or to "tell me how that makes you FEEL" or anything.

But if you really wanna know how to stop feeling all sad inside, and stop feeling like you can't make a difference, please, read on. I beg you.

If you haven't already, read the chapters for today (2nd Chronicles 17-20) at http://www.bible.com/ or with the BIBLE READER to the right.

You'll find that Judah was in major need for some God help way back when. They were being attacked by all kinds of strong nations, and had no where left to turn. Their kingdom was falling, and everyone living there knew it, too.

But as it turns out, they actually WON the battle, AND everything that was left over without having to kill anyone! You're probably like "WHOAH!" Because, let's face it... that sounds pretty intense. How did a small little place become so powerful?

What are they taking that I need to take? (Just kidding.)

Truth is-- they did the one thing that all humans just absolutely HATE to do, with all of their being. *Druumroll . . .*


"Whoa, hold on a second, Carly! If we want something to happen to bring us out of our little shells, we have to get even MORE humble and meek? What?!"

Yes, you heard me. The people of Judah not only admitted to God that they were little and helpless, they gave thanks for how much power God has, and just flat out said it all.

I know that's hard for people, especially us Americans. We strive for fame, and fortune, and we would do almost anything to get higher on the popularity scale. We want to be bigger, better.

But in order to do that, we have to do the opposite. We have to come to Jesus and admit our sinfulness and shame. We let Him carry all the weight, and pray to be victorious. Does that make sense? I know it's a weird concept to grasp. But I thought it applied nicely, and the picture of the fish was cute. Haha.

Email me at carlygaile@yahoo.com or comment below with any questions. Thanks, and



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