Day Eighteen

Day Eighteen -- Genesis 8-10

Welcome back. Today is filled with frogs, locusts, gnats, and hailstorms. Viewer discretion is advised. JUSTTTTTTT kidding.

But seriously, there's a lot of gross stuff going down in Egypt with today's reading. You can read all about it on the BIBLE READER to the left<<<<<< href=""> to read the verses there.

Okay, so yesterday we talked about how Pharaoh wouldn't let the Israelites worship God... and how Moses and Aaron were supposed to talk to the Pharaoh. If he didn't let their people go, then God would give them the power to send powerful plagues to the area to try and convince them that God was God, and there was no way they could get around it.

I've made a handy dandy graph to demonstrate what happened with each of the plagues:

There's one more important plague to come... so I'll post that tomorrow! Happy Martin Luther King Day... go in Peace!

Don't be stubborn today!


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