Day Sixteen

Day Sixteen -- Exodus 1-4

This is the beginning of a new chapter! Only 65 more to go! Please, start reading if you haven't already. It'll only take you a few minutes each day, and there are some really amazing stories coming up in the next few days. You can read from your Bible, (duh,) or I've provided a BIBLE READER to the left, which you can use. Plus, you can also go to and look up today's readings.

Exodus! I'm excited to start this, and there are some of my favorite stories in this chapter. No chapter is better than another, but some chapters might speak to you in different ways. Hopefully Exodus can help you today, and continue to provide hope in times of trouble.

Most people know the story of Moses, right? The guy who led his people out of Egypt? Well, that story is coming up soon. In fact, today's reading starts off this story. It's all the stuff that happens before Moses became a great leader... he's just a child/young adult in these chapters.

In Genesis, Joseph passed away. (Sniffle sniffle.) But, he lived an awesome life and helped Egypt get back on their feet, even though he was an Israelite.

What was his thanks for keeping most of the ancient world alive?

A new Pharaoh came into power. He took a look at all the Israelites, and realized that his little Egypt was outnumbered. Instead of being thankful that so many people were alive and living, he became afraid that if their lands ever got in quarrel, then he would lose. Very competitive, that Pharaoh. Typical guy. Haha.

He sent out all of his midwives and told them that when they were helping women give birth, to take note of what gender is was. If it was a girl, then they were allowed to keep it living. However, if it was male, then they were to kill it. Harsh.

The midwives lied to Pharaoh and kept them all living, and found pleasing in God's eyes.

Pharaoh didn't stop there, though. he then announced that all males were to thrown into the Nile River. He told everyone this, to all his people.

That's where Moses comes in. He was born, and his mother tried to hide him from Pharaoh. But when he was too old to be hidden, (three months old,) she could no longer keep him. She made a basket and made sure it was waterproof before she set the child in it and sent it down the river.

The baby's older sister hid in the reeds and followed him, just to make sure he was in good hands. Turns out, the Pharaoh's daughter found him! She felt bad for the poor little baby, and wanted to keep him alive. The baby's sister emerged from the weeds and asked the daughter if she wanted to spare his life, and when she agreed, Moses's sister told her that she knew a woman who could take care of him, and nurse him for her.

As a result, Moses got to live, and be in his mother's care until he was too old to be nursed, and was taken to live with the Pharaoh.

Moses grew up, and one day he saw an Egyptian beat one of his own people, an Israelite. At that time, Pharaoh had made all of the Israelites work the fields, and do very hard and menacing labor for Egypt.

Moses was terrified! His people were being murdered by his "family." When no one was looking, he killed the Egyptian. Unfortunately, Pharaoh found out, and Moses fled.

He lived with the father of his wife, whom he met at a well, and never went back to Egypt.

When Pharaoh died, the Israelites were still crying out to God, to spare them of the treacherous work and labor. God heard their cries, and got Moses' attention while he was tending to his flocks.

God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, and told him that he needs to free his people. Moses was very scared, and questioned whether or not it would work or not. That was a stupid idea. God can make anything work.

He reassured Moses by letting him perform all sorts of miracles, so that when he told his people that God has heard them, that they'll believe he truly is a messenger of God. If a guy could turn water into blood and a piece of wood into a snake, then I'd believe he was tight with God, too.

Moses and one f his brothers approached the Israelites working in Egypt, and they believed him. Once they knew that God had come to save them, and had heard their cries, they fell to ground and worshipped.

TADA! That's all for now. What will Pharaoh do when he finds out about Moses? Stay tuned!

I think the message here is to not doubt what's happening in your life. God does what he does for a reason, and we aren't the ones to question what's happening to us, or to others.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.
Mark 12:30

Go in peace!!


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