Day Twelve

Day Twelve -- Genesis 39-41

(Don't forget to read these chapters at or you can use . . .


that's to the left of this post.)

Welcome one and all to day twelve. Do you realize you've done a dozen Bible readings? That's pretty fantastic, so pat yourself on the back, whoever you are.

I hope someone is reading this.

Hello? Can you hear me?

I feel small.

This day's story is one of my favorites. We left off with Joseph's brothers selling him off to some random travelers, right? Well if I were Joseph, I'd feel pretty darn angry. I would curl up in a cocoon and only talk when necessary. I'd feel betrayed, and wouldn't want to come in human contact for a few months, at least.

But Joseph, however, was different. He continued praising God and God found favor in him. Those people that his brother sold him to could of been mass murderers or crazy people. They could have killed him.

But they didn't.

Because Joseph was still good in God's eyes, he was sold from the travelers to one of the Pharaoh's officials. He was sold to live where he King of Egypt lived! How awesome!!

But wait, there's more. I feel like Billy Mays. "But wait, there's more!" Poor Billy. May he rest in peace.

There was more help from God, though. Not only did he get to live with the Pharaoh, he became the guy's attendant, and then, he was put in charge of everything he owned. He ate well, and gained some muscle. The Bible says he was "well built and handsome." Ooh la la.

Joesph's beauty caused jealousy in the house, and a woman wanted to lay with him, even though she was married. He said no, because he was a good guy, so she tricked her husband into thinking that HE came onto her, which he didn't.

The head of the house sent him to jail, and he got out when the Pharaoh needed his help deciphering a dream. Even when he was in a foreign land, in PRISON, God still found favor in him. If you think you're a terrible person, think again. God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you, all you have to do is repent, or apologize, to God for your sins.
Joseph predicted that the land was going to go into a hugeeeee famine in seven years, and that everyone needs to prepare.

The Pharaoh agreed, and made him in charge of collected food for the bad times.

This is where is gets interesting, and that's where this session stops.

Big stuff happens tomorrow... so stay tuned. Tell your friends. I'm, lonely.


BYE! Have a wonderful day, and remember that if YOU enjoy/are benefited from this blog... tell your friends.
Be a fisher of man.
-Matthew 4:19


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