Ezekiel 23-24

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post.

You know what I've just realized? If you're someone who usually reads my devotion, then good, because today is an extra special treat. However, if you've just stumbled upon my blog, you're also getting treated to a surprise. Because today, I'm talking about what EVERY teen wants to hear about:


So, if you haven't read today's reading, you probably should. I kind of strayed away from the ACTUAL meaning of the passage, which is prostitution and everything associated with that-- and kind of brought it down to a less extreme level. I hope that's okay.

In today's reading, it talked about some girls who became prostitutes. They shamed their family, they disrespected themselves, but most importantly, they didn't follow God's orders. God wants us to LOVE the one we're with, and that we're giving love in the relationship instead of mooching off of our partner. It's a really distant subject for some of us, because I have no intention of getting married at this time and place...

But I'm just letting you know that these women were NOT following God's plan. They were doing the exact opposite of what we're supposed to do by giving themselves away to the pressures around them, instead of sticking to God's plan for a good steady relationship.

That's what I'm talking about today-- a steady relationship. There's a billion different things that make up a good one, but the one that was highlighted in today's reading was RESPECT AND LOVE. You need to respect the one you're with. A relationship isn't about gaining something for yourself, like the women in today's reading did, but it's instead about giving love away.

It's about respecting someone for who they are and loving them all the same. Not about gaining pleasures for yourself. That's how I see it, anyway.

So... with that being said, we now know that the women were NOT following God's clear plan. And like I said, today's story was a little extreme... because the women were punished pretty severely. They got body parts chopped off and their children were thrown into a fire.

I'm not saying God doesn't have the power to do that to us-- but He gives us a choice. One day, we'll get what we deserve. But for now, we have to make good choices and respect what He wants, even when it's hard.

Comment with any questions or comments! Peace out, folks.



Granny said…
Great blog! There is not much I can add to it.
erin said…
the pastor at countryside talked about Gods plan for our relationships last Sunday. it was part of his tough topics sermon. i think a lot of kids and teens are mislead into bad uncaring relationships by peer pressure. instead we should take our time to find one that is caring and Godly. i think somrtimes God wants to put a topic like that on tour heart and wants you to hear it more than once. thanks for the great devotion.
Carly said…
Erin, this is such a good comment! It's so awesome when someone gets what I'm trying to say and understands it. You're SO right about people giving into peer pressure. (Don't we all?) I mean, there's definetly been thoughts of wanting what everyone else has. But when I think about what that thing really is, (a bad relationship which God is no part of,) then I change my mind. It's not like you have to find someone you're going to marry, but a strong faith in Jesus is a KEY in any relationship. They were HIS plans, so they should be led by Him. Thanks for your comment, I'm glad I placed a topic on your heart! :)

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