Jeremiah 6-8

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Have you ever felt called by God to do something? To talk to someone sitting by themselves, or to help someone out on the street? Maybe someone you met needs help with a relationship, or is having trouble getting someplace. All there little encounters that WE perceive as just "being nice" can actually be named as being called by God.

God uses ordinary people to help others out, and sometimes we don't even realize it. But every miracle, every "oh thank goodness!" moment can be traced back to a God that loves us. We just have to keep our eyes open, so we know who to thank.

In today's reading, Jeremiah was called by God in a very intense way. He was called to tell everyone what big mistakes they were making, and he was called to help the people correct the sins. He was called to tell people how one day, God would punish them for their sins. And if they acted on their feet and turned their lives around, they'd be saved.

But people didn't listen. And I don't believe it was any one's fault but theirs for not listening.

I guess it just reminds me this can be applied to us! God is coming again, and we need to tell others. He could be coming tomorrow, for all we know. He could be coming in a jillion years. But regardless, we need to be ready. We need to do what we were born to do, and go out into the world to help others understand how important it is to change their sinful ways.

We feel called to do simple things sometimes, but also to do bigger things-- like talking to someone about their faith. It may be tough, and they might not listen at first, but that's what we are supposed to do. Spread the word, to do your part.

Lemme know if you have any questions or comments.

Peace out.


Granny said…
You are doing your part Carly Gaile.
Carly said…
I try to try my hardest :)

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