Jeremiah 47-48

Read these chapters now (if you want) with the BIBLE READER widget to the right of this post or at I won't really be talking about them, but if your goal is to read the Bible this year, then these are the ones you have to read.


Today I feel like we need to prepare for that big change that will happen soon, or may have already happened:


The opinions of school are really scattered and random. Some people LOVEEE school, others wish they could hide under a surfboard the entire school year. I'm not saying which one is right or wrong, because they're just opinions.

But a FACT we have to face is that school is coming. And I feel like with all this excitement, and football games, and grades, and homework... we have less time for God. We have less time to work on our relationship with Jesus.

And I'm not saying that I sit home all summer and read through scripture over and over. It's not like you necessarily have to try and make time to worship. I think instead of making time, we need to make God work into our busy schedules.

We need to put Him first, and be a good influence to others. It's stupid if we think we can become good Christians by JUST reading the Bible. Or JUST reading my blog. You have to put your faith in action!

I know some people think that school is just a busy time where we don't really have any relaxation. I thought that, getting ready for school. I kept thinking, "How am I going to be able to do my blog? How will I be able to go to church, and read my Bible, and go to youth group? How can I keep my steady relationship with Christ??"

When, in reality... it's the exact opposite. School is an opportunity to SHARE YOUR FAITH. It's not a time that's taking away from your faith, it's a great way to strengthen it. School is an opportunity to reach out to others that are in need.

So maybe you're still bummed about school starting. Maybe you didn't even have the problem about being "too busy for God." But I just want you to take these things I'm saying into consideration, and hopefully look at school in a new light.

You don't necessarily need to make time for God. You live your life with God, and He's with you ALL the time.

Think on that.



Granny said…
You have it right...God is with you ALL of the time, when you have Him in your life. You don't have to make time for Him, He is just there, while you are busy. Just live your life, and He is there directing your moves.

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