Jeremiah 12-14

Read these chapters now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at


We have a special day every year in which we give thanks to God for family, friends, food... otherwise known as THANKSGIVING. But I feel like right after, we just focus on what we have instead of who gave it to us.

All good things come from the Lord. No matter what, whether it's something you bought or something you were born with, God gives it all to us. So why does it feel like sometimes, we have good things happen to us, we don't even give gratitude to God for it?

Or sometimes we mumble "thank God" under our breath, without really thanking God. It's almost like it's programmed into our heads, we don't even think about it. Next time you say "thank God," make sure you mean it. Make sure you understand how GREAT God really is, and how much He does for us.

In today's reading, Jeremiah's people were about to be destroyed for all the wrongdoing they had done. All the sins they committed had been piling up, and they didn't even acknowledge God in the process.

I feel like that happens to us sometimes. We focus on the bad things instead of thanking God for what we DO have.

Jeremiah 14:22

Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?
Do the skies themselves send down showers?
No, it is you, O LORD our God.
Therefore our hope is in you,
for you are the one who does all this.

I guess sometimes we say "thank God" without thinking, but next time, make sure you DO thank Him for His neverending love.

Peace out.


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