Jeremiah 40-43

Okay, so today I'm mainly talking about all the depressing stuff that went on in today's reading. It's not because I'm sad, or angry, or in need of venting... there's just a LOT of death and destruction in today's reading. You can see what I mean by reading today's chapters with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at I guess you don't have to read if you don't want to... but I need to get this devotion started. And I have to talk about something, right?

But lucky for you... I will not make the message of the day depressing. Think of it as... motivating. Yeah, I like that. Today's devotion is about...


Sometimes we need a little push to get something done. Just like in the show "Wipe Out," if people hesitate too long, they throw in a motivator to get them on the next obstacle.

It's not always easy doing things for God, or even talking about Him with friends or family! It's awkward sometimes, and we might need a little motivation in order to see the big picture.

My neighbor, Brian, gave me this idea. He was talking about how it's hard for youth to have a big influence on people, because we're afraid to express our faith in God. But he also brought this to my attention:

God could come tomorrow to sort out the believers and non-believers. For some of my friends, hanging with me might be the only time when they can hear about Jesus. If I don't take the opportunity to talk to them about Jesus, and the rapture happens tomorrow-- what happens to them then?

I'm not saying we need to walk around with a sign that says "talk to me about Jesus." But we need to always keep our eyes out for opportunities to help others. We need to invite others to church, to youth group, to a party, even just to hang out! Because if you want to see them again (even if you DON'T want to see them again...) everyone deserves to have a chance at Jesus. Everyone deserves an opportunity to hear about His love! Everyone should be saved!

Because like in today's reading, a TON of non-believers died. And it's up to God whether or not they'll be saved. I don't want to have to make that decision, or even worry about the outcome. So we should act now and spread the word. Take all kinds of chances, and go out on a limb.

Change how you're living!

Still need motivation? God is coming one day. He might come tomorrow, He might come in a thousand years. But regardless, everyone will be judged. Think on that.

Peace out.


Granny said…
Any time we get to speak out about God, invite someone to church or Bible School, is an opportunity. I am proud of you Carly, as you do reach out in words, and in your actions.

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