Isaiah 57-59 Read these now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at . It's hard for me to imagine my life any other way. I guess I'm just used to my family, my house, having food on my table everyday, having good friends... all of these things I take for granted, these things that a God-given. God can take away things like THAT. And all of the sudden, your life changes. I'm very blessed to have the things I have, and I believe I am the way I am because of Jesus and His love for my family. And I know there are tons of people who are just as fortunate as me, sometimes even MORE fortunate-- but they don't have Jesus in their life. It just makes me think-- how fortunate ARE we if we don't have a forgiving God? Just how much do you really have if you lack the most important thing, a God that loves you more than anything else He created? I guess you can go through in life without a God and THINK you're happy. But once you learn the ...
Showing posts from July, 2010
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Isaiah 53-56 I absolutely LOVED the chapters for today. Loved loved loved loved loved. They were incredible and wonderful and eye-opening and spectacular... I LOVED TODAY'S READING. So, I apologize if my blog is a little (okay, a lot) longer than it usually is. The chapters for today were just filled with SUCH a great message and SUCH wonderful miraculous happenings... it might take a while to explain how greatly I enjoyed reading them. You should probably (okay, definitely) read these chapters right now with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post, or at or with your own Bible, if you want. But make sure no matter what you use that you DO read the chapters. Because... they're awesome. (If you didn't get that already.) Reason #1 why the chapters were AWESOME today: They told the exact story of Jesus, 700 years before it happened. I'm not lying, people. The prophet Isaiah lived more than 700 years before Jesus was even thought of. Before M...
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Isaiah 50-52 Read these chapters now with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post or at ! TURN THE OTHER CHEEK! It's amazing how much God is foretelling in the book of Isaiah. He's hinting about the coming of Jesus, and even about how Jesus will one day come again! And today, whether He meant to or not, I think God was hinting to us about turning the other cheek. Jesus often mentioned to people about turning the other cheek if someone slapped you. Not physically, I guess... but figuratively. People are going to try to be hurtful, and persecuting. But the Bible tells us to simply let them get their fulfillment, and turn the other cheek. I've had some questions about being a coward if we do this. Like, if we don't do anything, then we're too wimpy to fight back. But I don't think this is true. The Bible is talking about if someone does or says something to YOU, to let it slide. However, I think that if someone else is being bullied t...
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Isaiah 47-49 Read these with the BIBLE READER widget to the right of this post or at . LISTEN, GOSH DANGIT ! It's an interesting title... but today's chapters made me a little angry with the world. Not exactly the Bible's purpose, I guess... but I suppose today's chapters could of been written to show us what we need to work on with the world, and what we need to improve. So, the big question: What DO we need to improve? As explained in the title, we need to LISTEN, GOSH DANGIT ! We need to read what God has to say in the Bible, but also need to LISTEN to what it has to say. There are many great points in the Bible, all of which we need to understand and put into action! What's the point in trying to read the Bible in a year if you don't do anything about what you've read? Take action with what you read. Listen to what God has to say, because there's no way of remembering all He has in store for us if we just read about it a little...
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Isaiah 41-46 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the right of this post or at . Alright. So I guess we better cover the big elephant in the room. Maybe to you it's a small, baby elephant, and it's not that important. But to me... ughh. I guess it was pretty important to little old me. I forgot to blog yesterday. GRRRRRRR it makes me angry just to type it. I've been working SO hard to try and post a devotion every day, and I failed. *Sigh.* However, I am determined to make this blog the best darn blog I've ever done. Ever. So, let's get started, shall we? I decided to call this devotion... YOUR CALLING. OoOoOoOoOoOhhhhh. Mysterious, right? I think so. I thought that the chapters I read had something to do with everyone and their purpose, and why we're here, and how God is calling us to be disciples... and everything else along those lines. To start it off, I feel called sometimes to just go out into the world and tell people ...
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FAILED. Hey everyone. I don't know if you can even tell, but I failed at writing a blog every day. I still have the same purpose, and I will continue to post blogs everyday after this, but my stupid forgetfulness has led me to skip a day of blogging. I just realized I missed "yesterday," because it's 12:15 AM. Oh shoot. I guess no one is perfect, and nothing can be done flawlessly without the help of God. I'll continue to reach my goal, and tomorrow I'll have all the chapters I missed included with the chapters I need to do then. Oh wait-- it IS tomorrow. So... after I sleep and get some rest, I'll post a second blog TODAY and include the missing chapters. Thanks for being so lenient ... it's a good thing only a few people read this so I didn't get a lot of people mad :) I'll post later. Good night--- (or morning, whichever you prefer.) Peace forever.
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Isaiah 38-40 Read these short chapters now with the BIBLE READER widget to the right of this post or at . THAT'S A LITTLE HARSH... I felt the need to explain what's happening in the reading we read today. Actually, all of the Old Testament can seem a little harsh sometimes. It's like "if God is so loving and wants to have a relationship with me, why is He so mean?" I just wanted to try and explain why it seems a little... harsh. I mean... back then, when God wanted some one's attention, He killed a whole city! What? So first off, there was no Messiah. I guess He might of existed up there in heaven somewhere, but no one knew of a Jesus. No one really understood you could pray to someone in person. No one knew there was an example from God, and a person who could wipe our sins away, or ANYTHING. It must have stunk, to start off. In all seriousness, some people are still living as if the Messiah hasn't come yet... even in today's tim...
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Isaiah 35-37 There's a major difference in today's chapters compared to previous ones. These are somewhat happy and have a nice "good conquers evil" feel... so read them now with the BIBLE READER widget to the RIGHT of this post or at . Alright. I really liked the chapters today, actually. I was a little confused with the story near the end, just because there were so many names and countries I couldn't keep straight (or pronounce, for that matter.) But like I already said, they had a nice happy ending feeling to them, which I like. Basically, there was this one land, and this other land. They were fighting. Throughout all that fighting, they were smack talking each other and threatening, and all sorts of stuff you do in a fight. It was pretty lame, I thought. That they had to keep fighting and threatening. But the world today is STILL fighting, so there must be something about it that has carried throughout the generations. Did I mention I h...
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Isaiah 32-34 Read these now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at First off, I'm typing today's blog on my uncle's awesome computer. It really has nothing to do with the devotion today, but I just wanted to vent about my inner nerdness and tell everyone how awesome this Mac computer is. Okay, I'm done. PROCLAIM THE NAME. Today's title is a great rhyme I just came up with that is my new slogan. In case you didn't get it, the name we'll focus on proclaiming is the Name of Jesus, and all He has done for us. I think a lot of times, we say "in Jesus' name, Amen" too fast. We just spin through that phrase at the end of a prayer so we can hurry and eat dinner already, right? To me, I believe that when you're saying that, you need to focus on what it really means. In the moment you say "in Jesus' name," you proclaiming that your prayers are meant for Jesus, and are put there for His ears. You're sayin...
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Isaiah 29-31 Read these great chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . THE ONE THING GOD CAN'T TAKE. I think a lot of times, we think of God as some powerful superhero who takes whatever He needs. Like He's some emotionless zombie who is SO strong He doesn't care about us. Yeah... He's very strong. He's very powerful. But like every superhero, He cares for the people He watches over. Sometimes that means He needs to help us out in ways that seems as if He's taking things from us. But in reality, He knows what is best. He understands what we need better than we do ourselves. And yes, like every superhero... there's one thing God is powerless against. Well, not necessarily powerless... He just chooses not to take it willingly. He can't have something, and He can't force us to give it to Him. That would be YOU. God can't deem people Christians, YOU have to make that choice. That's what is so cool, tha...
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Isaiah 25-28 Read these chapters now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post, or at . TALKING TO GOD. Hopefully you've realized that the book of Isaiah is about God talking to Isaiah, and Him telling Isaiah what's going to happen, so we can prepare the way... and blah blah blah. But I keep wondering: how come ISAIAH gets to talk to God, like in person? I've always thought that would be so cool, to be able to have a conversation with God. I know what you're thinking, "Come on, Carly! If you pray, you can have a conversation with God whenever you want!" But don't you just wish you could sit on your couch and see God right next to you? Wouldn't that be AWESOME? Sometimes, people see angels and God right before they pass away. I've always been fascinated by that, too. I guess the whole point of this blog/rant/thing is to tell you guys how awesome it will be one day, where we can see God face to face. Not only Him, but we'll see...
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Isaiah 20-24 SAY WHAT? Read these now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at ! Alrighty folks. I strongly recommend you read the first few chapters of today's reading, or else you won't believe me. In today's reading, God asked Isaiah to take off his clothes. I was a liiiitttttle confused, needless to say. I guess I could give a thousand excuses as to why this happened, like "it was a long time ago, things were different!" or "Isaiah did whatever God asked, no matter what" or even "people drank a lot back then! Maybe Isaiah was drunk!" But... I will not focus on why I think it happened, because if you read today's chapters, you'd see that God was using Isaiah as an example to the people. No, God wasn't trying to tell the people that "naked is good," He was using Isaiah to teach the people of the world that you have to strip down of all the evil and idols they'd been doing, and focus ...
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Isaiah 15-19 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post or at . LETTING GO. In today's reading, I was just a little confused. It seemed like God was destroying everything the people cared about! He was destroying their cities, their idols, their friends... I was a little afraid. Why were these people losing so much at one time? Were they THAT evil? Did God hate them THAT much? But let's face it-- God doesn't "hate" anyone. It's the opposite, actually. He loves us SO much that sometimes He allows things to happen that seem to hurt us for a little while. We just have to continue to hold onto the believe that He has a plan, and He always works it out. In today's reading, God took away things, like I said-- but maybe... just maybe... those things were meant to be taken away! God KNOWS what's important, and maybe the people's idols weren't important. Maybe their cities and all the gross things ins...
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Isaiah 12-14 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . They're definitely worth reading, there's some pretty intense stuff you need to read. FORTUNE TELLER I guess I can't truthfully call God a fortune teller, mostly because He knows what will happen because HE is the one who has a plan for everything... but I will continue to relate Him to a fortune teller because of how much CRAZY stuff is happening in today's readings. Okay, so get this. I know I've been talking about how God has been hinting to the world that Jesus would one day be born to save us from our sins. But THEN, today He hinted about the second coming of Christ! For people who aren't really sure what that is, I suggest you'd read today's chapters a second time. It's describes better than I can describe it... and this was what GOD described it as, not me. I'll post it below: Isaiah 13:9 See, the day of the LORD is coming —a cruel...
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Isaiah 9-11 Read these short chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . Okay, so let's get this thing started! HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD! That's a song title, and it's also the title of today's devotion. Jesus is SO awesome that His birth can be described perfectly before it even happened! Like in today's reading, God spoke through Isaiah to tell people about the coming of Christ, even though it hadn't even happened yet. This is so cool to me. I love it. But today, God described Jesus a little more, and His description is awesome, too. Here ya go: Isaiah 11:2-5 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD - and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice...
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Isaiah 4-8 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . WHOAH . That's all I came up with to title this post, because... well... I guess there weren't any other words to describe it. Did you READ today's chapters? They were SO miraculous and SO awesome... I just... Whoah . First off, God did some AWESOME things in today's reading. Like yesterday, He hinted to the world (through Isaiah) that Jesus was coming to save them from their sins, but today He REALLY outdid himself. He basically spoke to Isaiah, and Isaiah told people what God said by telling the exact story of Jesus... BEFORE HE WAS EVEN BORN. How does that happen? How does one tell a great story like the story of Christ without it even happening yet? Simple. He was in tune with God. God told him, and he told others. How cool is that? Don't believe me?? Then read THIS and weep: Isaiah 7:13-14 Then Isaiah said, "Hear now, you house of David! Is it ...
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Isaiah 1-3 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . Today's chapters really showed how God is in work, and how He can work in miraculous ways. I think it's a good reference to someone who doesn't necessarily believe in God... because it's a real miracle and a real prophesy that will surprise just about anyone. The book of Isaiah is hinting on how we are ALL sinners, the rich and the poor, men and women alike. We all need His guidance and the forgiveness only He can give. Since I already mentioned how God works through today's chapters (which I'll post below in a little bit,) I think this would be an ideal time to train yourself to look for God sightings throughout every day we endure here on earth. Make it known that the good things in your life are presented by God and are only available through the faith you have in Him. Now, onto the miracle in today's reading. Please note that Jesus hadn't come ...
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Song of Songs 5-8 CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE. Yes, I'm quoting Elvis. Believe it or not... even though he died of a drug overdose and had really weird dance moves, his song title applies quite nicely to today's reading. If you haven't already, read these four chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . Okay, so let me explain myself. First off... one of my FAVORITE VERSES OF ALL TIME was in today's reading: Song of Songs 8:4 Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. We all have those days when we feel like throwing in the towel, or just lying under the covers and crying our eyes out. What... I'm the only one? Oh, well this is embarrassing. Regardless, when I have these types of days, I do the good little girl thing and open my Bible. At first, I just did it because it was the only thing I knew to do. But it was amazing when I did, because the verse I read was PERFECT for what...
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Song of Songs 1-4 BE DIFFERENT. Okay, so it's no surprise that today's chapters were WEIRD. Like, almost too weird to read without going "ewwww." I felt like I was watching two people give vows or something... except these people were using strange phrases and talking to each other in ways not appropriate for children. But it's the Bible, and I'm going to finish. I felt like if we had to take anything from these chapters, it was to "be different." Or, according to the Bible verse... be like a lily among thorns. Song of Songs 2:2 Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the maidens. So, for all of you who are wondering just HOW to get noticed among a world of happy couples, maybe you should just BE YOURSELF. Be different. Be who you are, because everyone else is taken. If we try and be cool, or try to be like everyone else... how are we supposed to stand out? Be yourself! I know, it's not exactly Biblical or having anything to do with Christia...
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Ecclesiastes 9-12 Last chapters of the book today! Read them now at or with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post! IN CONCLUSION... I have to say, the book of Ecclesiastes wasn't my favorite. I tend to look on the bright side of things, and this book focused on the grey, cloud covered side. That's okay, because everyone has their own ways of thinking, and we already discussed that this book was written BEFORE Jesus, and there might not have been as much hope and forgiveness. But what I DID like about this book was the conclusion at the end of chapter 12. It was pretty intense, but pretty meaningful to me. Hopefully it does something for you, too: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God, and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. Don't forget there's a God who loves you and sees all t...
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Ecclesiastes 5-8 STOP SEARCHING FOR MONEY, OUR ECONOMY STINKS. Read these GREAT chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . I really loved today's readings. It had a ton of despair like yesterday, but every once in a while there was this spark of understanding. This little burst of happiness that rose out among the sadness. It was almost like discovering things were going to be alright after all. As my pastor once said in a sermon: tears make you see more clearly. So, even though a lot of the chapters was about life being meaningless, there were a few things that struck out to me. As this guy was talking about things being meaningless... he struck on a good point of MONEY being meaningless. This verse really moved me: Ecclesiastes 5:10 Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless. You see, if you love money, all you'll be doing is searching for it your whole...
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Ecclesiastes 1-4 ALL THINGS UNDER THE SON... These chapters are massively depressing. I guess I never expected everything to be happy pappy in the Bible, but WHOAH . Whoever wrote this book was a little sad... Then it occur ed to me, that this book was written before Jesus. It was written before there was a Savior who could save us from our sins! Before we could have a personal relationship with God, and before there was a person who was always willing to forgive. If you haven't already, read these chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post or at . The author of today's chapters kept repeating the same phrase "under the sun." For instance: Ecclesiastes 4:1-3 Again I saw all the oppressions that are practised under the sun. Look, the tears of the oppressed—with no one to comfort them! On the side of their oppressors there was power—with no one to comfort them. And I thought the dead, who have already died, more fortunate than the l...
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Proverbs 30-31 We finish the book of Proverbs today! Be sure to read these short 2 chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post or at . SAY WHAT?!? If you've been reading my past posts, you'll know that I have EVERYTHING perfectly understood, and I'm able to talk about the Bible in ways that are 100% accurate and totally life-changing. You can call my posts "perfect" and "wonderful" and "not confusing at all" if you want. Forgive me Lord, for I just lied. The Bible is CONFUSING. Like, majorly baffling and hard to understand. There are parts in it that I absolutely disagree with all my being, and some parts that seem to speak to me perfectly. So, in case you thought I knew everything, I assure you. I do not. I know, shocking, right? You're probably sitting there, stunned, in complete and utter dismay. But take a deep breath, and repeat this phrase aloud: "Carly doesn't know everything. I was w...
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Proverbs 27-29 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . They're full of all sorts of GREAT wisdom, even though I'll only be talking about a few of them. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO HIDE? Sometimes we become ashamed of things. Maybe it's our appearance, our thoughts, our wants... everyone has a few things they'd rather not tell the world. But what I'm going to talk about is much deeper than a few embarrassing habits... God can see everything. This isn't meant to freak you out, like God is some big all-knowing King. He is a King, and He's pretty darn awesome... but that doesn't mean He can't be your best friend. No matter how big He is, and how small we seem... He still loves you. A lot. So don't hide your sins! Don't try and conceal your faith! Lay everything on the line, and talk with God about whatever you're dealing with. He WANTS to get to know you, and He'll love you no matter what y...
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Proverbs 24-26 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . THAT'S GOING TO HURT IN THE MORNING... Okay, so you know when something bad happens in a movie or when someone falls off of something, there's always that smarty that states "that's going to hurt in the morning!" That, to me, was clearly addressed in today's reading. Whether we like it or not, there will be consequences for our actions. God will judge us, (and forgive us) if we do the wrong thing. That's what's so great-- that God is a loving God who will always love us. But this verse is almost like a warning to me, to tell me that doing bad things is NOT okay: Proverbs 26:27 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and a stone will come back on the one who starts it rolling. I guess we already knew that... DOING BAD THINGS IS NOT OKAY. We've been taught that from childhood. But we need to stop acting recklessly and thinking "it's ...
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Proverbs 21-23 Read these now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . LISTEN TO YOUR GOD. Proverbs 21:2-3 All deeds are right in the sight of the doer, but the Lord weighs the heart. To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Sometimes what WE do and what WE say seems right to US. But no matter what think, it's God's opinion that matters, so we have to keep in mind what He wants us to do. Be nice to others, and you too will be treated nicely. Proverbs 21:13 If you close your ear to the cry of the poor, you will cry out and not be heard. Provers 22:2 The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord is the maker of them all. Sometimes we feel as if we have it all on our backs, like being a Christian isn't worth it. I feel like that sometimes, even though in the end, I know it will all be worth it. It's really important to listen to what God has to say, even if we disagree with what He has to say. ...
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Proverbs 18-20 OPINIONS. God is crazy. Not like insane crazy, but crazy awesome. It's like every single thing I'm going through, the reading the next day has tons of verses about that exact topic. Coincidence? I think not. Whether or not we believe it, there is a God who is constantly making things happen for us, and through us. He is working through every one's actions, even the ones we consider "bad" or "sad." Things don't just happen. Which is why I was surprisingly okay with all the criticism I've been receiving lately. I know God is using people to help me understand His word better. And then, He goes and gives me a reading that has everything to do with opinions and listening to others. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions. Proverbs 18:17-18 The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him. Casting the lot settles disputes and keeps strong opp...
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NO CHAPTERS JUST YET! Alright readers. It's been a while since I've established my reason for blogging, and I feel a certain need to make some things clear. I guess you don't have to read this if you don't want to... but it seems as if a few people are confused. I started this blog for the soul purpose of ME, and I know that sounds selfish, but I wanted to try and read the Bible in a year, something that was a goal for ME. I started reading, and what do you know... the Bible is a really long book. How am I supposed to remember it all? Then this blog erupted. I started blogging a few of my thoughts on the internet , thinking maybe people could be inspired or something. I am FULLY aware I'm no scholar, or religious figure, or anything even close to that. As time got by, more and more people started reading... and people started disagreeing. Am I mad? Nope. Am I upset? Nuh uh. I don't want to say I'm happy to receive comments about me and my horrible opinions....
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Proverbs 15-17 Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at if you haven't already. QUARRELS. So we've all gotten in fights, right? You could be fighting with someone right now, or been in a fight this morning, or you may just be in a fight tonight! No matter how much you try to please someone, there will always be someone who disagrees with you. Sometimes the people you love the most are the ones you get in the biggest quarrels with, which happens more than you think. However, I found a LOT of verses about the fights in our lives, and how God wants us to act during them in today's reading: Proverbs 15 1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15 18 A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. Proverbs 16 9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 17 14 Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter befo...
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Proverbs 12-14 These chapters are CHOCK FULL of good information. Please read them now at or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post. LIPS . Whoah, today's reading seemed really long to me. Unlike the previous days when all we had to read were names, there is actually some intense reading, which makes sense and can be applied to our lives! Every verse was pretty similar: The righteous_________ but the wicked________ For instance: The thoughts of the righteous are just; the advice of the wicked is treacherous. (Proverbs 12:5) So, how do I chose one verse? How do I focus on a little bit of this overwhelming knowledge? Today, I tried to pick something that all people could relate to... most people, anyway. Most people have relationships that include communicating, right? I just felt like there were a few verses where I personally couldn't connect. Adult stuff, like money and servants. But EVERYONE communicates with SOMEONE in their life, right? I thou...
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Proverbs 8-11 Read these now with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at . It may take a while, but these chapters are definitely worth reading. So, another day. Another blog. Another topic, another message. But today's message is special. Why, you ask? Because I think it applies to EVERYONE, whether you're Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish... or a follower of Jesus. Because no matter WHAT faith you are, everyone has that jerk that disapproves, right? That person that just GETS ON YOUR NERVES, and according to YOUR beliefs, is doing nothing right. Maybe it's a group of people, maybe it's one person in particular. I guess it depends on what type of person you are, but if you're ME... I tend to want to do something about it. I tend to get a little too involved in what I think they're doing wrong... and voice my opinion. I let them know they're wrong, and that they need to shut their fat mouths. HOWEVER... maybe I need to take a breather e...
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Proverbs 4-7 STUFF WITH PURPOSE. You can read these chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post or at , or with your own Bible if you want to! Only 4 chapters to read today, and let's just say they're... interesting. When I started Proverbs yesterday, I thought they were going to teach me about wisdom, and how to be smarter or more knowledgeable. Being the geek I am, I was all "Woo hoo ! How to get smarter!" As you can tell, though, the chapters today were a little different. Just so I can get past all the awkwardness, I'll just come out and say it: it's talking about prostitution and giving yourself away before marriage. Today's message is similar to that of the creepy clown guy that taught everyone in health class... stay abstinent, blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong, I payed attention to the clown guy and everything... but until today, I guess I didn't really get it all. Sure enough, though... it's wr...