Proverbs 27-29

Read these chapters with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post or at They're full of all sorts of GREAT wisdom, even though I'll only be talking about a few of them.


Sometimes we become ashamed of things. Maybe it's our appearance, our thoughts, our wants... everyone has a few things they'd rather not tell the world. But what I'm going to talk about is much deeper than a few embarrassing habits...

God can see everything.

This isn't meant to freak you out, like God is some big all-knowing King. He is a King, and He's pretty darn awesome... but that doesn't mean He can't be your best friend. No matter how big He is, and how small we seem... He still loves you.

A lot.

So don't hide your sins! Don't try and conceal your faith! Lay everything on the line, and talk with God about whatever you're dealing with. He WANTS to get to know you, and He'll love you no matter what you TRY and hide.

Proverbs 27:5
Better is open rebuke
than hidden love.

To me, this verse tells me it's better to lay out all your sins then hide your love for God. Lay all your sins on Him! That's what He died for, and then your love can be free and out in the open.

Proverbs 28:13
No one who conceals transgressions will prosper,
but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

Don't try and hide your sins. Granted, God knows all of them. But you need to CONFESS that you need Him, and you're not perfect. Once you confess you're a sinner... God will grant you mercy.

So let Him know, and take all the love in return :)

Peace out.


Granny said…
He knows US..our thoughts and words before they are spoken, and all our actions and reasoning behind there is no hiding from Him. There is shutting Him out, even though he never shuts us out, but we can't hide or conceal anything. The important thing is to go to Him and keep Him in our lives.

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