Ezekiel 25-27


It's weird for me to talk about a clear reason for being a Christian. I mean, I've been raised as a Christian, and I'm just used to it. And lately, I've been feeling some real God moments, which have assured my faith... so I don't really question the point to my religion.

But in order for other people to "get" Christianity, I guess I have to have a reason to share with them. Something that will let them know WHY I go to church, and WHY I pray to this guy named Jesus. If you've never felt the love of Jesus, then yeah.

Christians sound like lunatics.

If you haven't already, I encourage you to read the first chapter of today's reading, because that's what I'll mostly relate to in today's devotion. Basically, thousands of years ago, people made bad choices and went against God's laws. They disobeyed, and never asked to be forgiven. They pretended there WAS no God, or they worshipped big wooden poles. They just didn't have the spirit of God in their heart, so naturally, they didn't see a reason to live righteously. They sinned.

So, since they weren't forgiven, per say... they were punished. God sent His wrath on them.

He sent people like Ezekiel to tell others to "hurry up and turn to the good side" before God destroyed all those on the bad side.

And although it seems harsh, when God sends a prophet to tell about the future, it always happens. ALWAYS. So when you think about it-- how could one person KNOW that all this stuff was going to happen without a God?

It's just a thought, I guess. There were a lot of prophesies going on in today's reading, so I just wanted to share that side fact with you. Also, it ties in with the purpose of Christianity, to me.

While we're living on earth, there's nothing really "different" between Christians and other people. I mean, it's not like they have special powers or anything. They're normal people. Born as babies, and live like people. So, I guess it makes sense how there are some people who don't necessarily believe there's a God.

They see no difference in people.

Butttttt you already know the FACTS about prophesies, and how they ALWAYS come true if the true God tells them. So, how does THAT happen? How do things work out exactly how God plans them?

To me, the POINT of this whole Christian thing isn't about getting a better life. I don't go to church, or pray, or follow Jesus because it makes my life perfect. It can actually be hard to be a Christian, sometimes.

I practice my religion, no matter how tough it gets, because God promised me a better eternity. God promised me that if my faith is in Him, then I will live forever with Him in heaven.

In today's reading, God promised the people that if they didn't follow Him, they would be destroyed. And guess what?

They were destroyed.

Also, God told the people back then that one day a Son would be born into the world, and He would be our ultimate sacrifice. God said He would be born to us as a human. And guess what?

Jesus was born about 300 years later.

So, the choice is ours now. God (later on in the Bible) tells us that He is coming again. He is going to separate the good from the bad, and the good will go with Him to heaven. Everything else that He has said HAS come true, so why is this an exception?

If you're living your life unsure about WHY you should follow Jesus, it's not because your life becomes perfect, or you get lots of fame and money. It's because one day, it WILL matter who you believe in. It WILL make a difference.

And if you start today, and put your faith in Jesus, then you'll have a much brighter future.

Please comment or ask me any questions you need. I'm here to help!

Love and peace to all!



Granny said…
Being a Christian does not promise us a life here on earth without pains and sufferings, but it does promise us an eternal life with God. This is certainly reason enough to put our faith in God.
erin said…
very good carly, very good. that is what should drive us. that is definatly the point of being a christian.
Carly said…
I guess the meaning of Christianity is different for everyone-- it's a BUNCH of things for me. But I'm glad you agree on some of my ideas!

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