Hosea 10-14

Read these last chapters of Hosea with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at http://www.biblegateway.com/


When Israel was a child, I loved him,
and out of Egypt I called my son.
But the more I called Israel,
the further they went from me.
They sacrificed to the Baals
and they burned incense to images.

It was I who taught Ephraim to walk,
taking them by the arms;
but they did not realize
it was I who healed them.

I led them with cords of human kindness,
with ties of love;
I lifted the yoke from their neck
and bent down to feed them.

Hosea 11:1-4

In the above passage, God is talking about how His people are His children. How He has given so much to them, and they ignore Him. They chose other "gods" to thank instead.

I encourage you to think of all the things that your parents have taught you. We take advantage of just HOW much they are apart of who we are today. When we are small, we thrive on what our parents are doing. That's why it's so important to be a good example as a parent.

If you think about it, God is the PERFECT role model, and the people still didn't give thanks for what He's given them. Everything we have... our life, our breath, our grace, our souls-- they don't even belong to us! They belong to the one who created us, and yet, we fail to thank Him for them.

Give thanks for all God has allowed us to have. Because although sometimes we feel that we don't have enough... we have WAY more than we deserve. Don't be like the Israelites, and neglect the great love that God gives.

Give thanks to God for what we have, because He is the best parent anyone could ask for.




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