Zechariah 11-14


There are some aspects of the world that are still alive and living, just like they were thousands of years ago. Hate, love, peace, war... in those parts of the world, nothing has changed, really. But I felt like in today's reading, there was some pretty extreme stuff that might confuse people.

Back in the old testament, there wasn't a savior that we could let wash away our sins. Jesus wasn't born yet, and everyone was living so strict on the Jewish law because that was just the RIGHT thing to do. It was the right way to live.

Now, though, we understand that ALL people are sinners. No one is perfect, because no one has a completely blank slate.

So in saying that, we NEED Jesus to make us clean again. Since we're all sinners, we need someone to keep us clean and live with Him, and that's Jesus Christ. In today's reading, people didn't have a savior. Their laws were strict.

Today we have Jesus. Today we can develop a relationship with God instead of killing animals to Him. Today we are forgiven, and we have a God who will live WITH us in our everyday lives.

Time are the same, in some aspects. But for the most part, when Jesus came into the world, everything changed for the better. I'm excited to start the New Testament the day after tomorrow, so we can really dig into what it means to be a follower of Jesus!

Peace out.


Granny said…
Thank God He loved us enough to send His Son to save us.

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