Ezekiel 31-32


If you haven't already, read these two chapters (listed above) at www.bible.com or with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post.

Anyway, God had some pretty interesting things to say to Pharaoh today. And even though they were initially meant for Pharaoh, they can apply quite nicely to us, here, in modern day America. (Or wherever you may live.)

People like to make ourselves up as big, powerful people. We like to be talented, and to have lots of STUFF. I know, you're probably getting all defensive now, thinking "You're SO wrong, Carly! I'm not a mean person! I don't brag or boast! I'm NOT a bad person!"

But... remember what I said about making ourselves up to be something? The littlest things can make us completely defensive. We have this view of who we wish to be, and we'll do anything to get there. Don't get me wrong, I do it too. I try to make people think I'm someone I'm not. It can be big things, or little actions, that persuade people we're perfect.

But the who point to this devotion is this: goodness comes from God. Anything good-- beauty, smarts, talent, they're all God-given. They all come from a God who continually blesses us, even though we don't deserve it most of the time.

It's not BAD to try and be a perfect person. We all know that no one can really REACH perfection, but it's good to try and be better. Be a better person. Be a better scholar, or athlete, or friend. It's good to try and improve. To set goals for yourself.

Howeverrrrrrrrr... sometimes once we reach that point, we forget about all the help it took to get there. We sometimes become better at something, and then forget to thank our teacher. We get so high on the totem-pole we forget about what we USED to be, and how far we've come.

That happened in today's reading with rulers of places. (Specifically Pharaoh.) He became SUCH great ruler, and gained SO many things... which was good for him people, don't get me wrong-- but he forgot about his God in the process.

That shouldn't be the case, for us. It's good to want to be good-- but once we get there, we have to acknowledge who helped us get there. (God.)

Don't forget about the God who gives all good things, and next time something AWESOME happens, give thanks. Make it known to others that "I'm only here because of God." God can build us up to have success, but He can also break us down. Think about that today, and... forever.

Peace out.


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