Obidiah and Jonah

These are two books of the Bible that are REALLY short. Obidiah only has one chapter. So read them now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at!


In the book of Obidiah, the citizens of Edom decided to just laugh at the Israelites that were facing God's wrath. They thought they were sooooo much better than Israel, and didn't give any kindness to the suffering people. The actually MADE FUN of the Israelites in this tough time, and beat them when they were down.

But-- since God is a God of justice-- He put them in their place by bringing disaster on them, too. I think it's comedic, actually. These people thought they were SO good that they could say whatever they wanted... and as a result of their harsh words THEY were punished, too. Hmm.

If people just are responsible for their own actions and quit pushing into other people's business, the world would be a much better place, I think. We're all sinners, so no one even has the RIGHT to put other people down. They're just as much of a sinner.

And in the book of Jonah... well... you know how it goes. Jonah ran away from God on a boat, and God sent a storm, so Jonah admitted that he was the cause of the storm and was thrown off the boat, swallowed by a whale, thrown up on land-- yadda yadda yadda.

But when I was reading, I thought the most interesting part was that Jonah wasn't just thrown off the boat by force, but did it because he was able to admit that HE was the cause of trouble. It's not like the other passengers just figured out that Jonah was the cause, so they threw him off the boat. No, Jonah did the responsible thing and owned up to his sins. Then, God forgave Him after prayer and it all worked out fine.

I feel like everyone needs a little bit of that in their life. We need to realize that before we can criticize others, we need to take control of our own faults, because we ALL have 'em.

Think about that.



Granny said…
Owning up to our actions and repenting is the sure way to redemption.

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