Hosea 1-4


There were a lot of things going on today's reading. This guy was told to cheat on his wife, she became a prostitute, they all had different kids-- it was quite the historical soap opera. But, regardless, I thought that of all the crazy stuff happening, the greatest of them was LOVE.

You see, God used the examples He did in today's reading to explain His great love for Israel, and all His people. Just like in a normal relationship, there are difficulties. There are ups, and downs, and fights, and over-comings.

Israel and God were like a couple, really: always fighting and then coming right back to each other. Israel refused to follow God, so they were abandoned, and then they lived according to the law and it was all better.

No matter HOW many times problems arose-- LOVE was the great gift that held it all together. Love holds everyone together, I think. It's everlasting, and it gives me a sense of peace to know no matter HOW many times I mess up, God will always love me. According to 1st Corinthians, love is as great, if not MORE great, than faith.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

Keep love in your heart. That's what it's for!

Peace out.


Granny said…
That is one of my favorite versus....faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of all is love.

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