Judges 14-16

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Happy St. Patrick's Day! You might be viewing this post a day early, or maybe a day late... but regardless of the time, I'd like to personally wish everyone a great St. Patty's Day! Did you know that this holiday is actually a serious Christian holiday in Ireland? St. Patrick wasn't some short guy with red hair that talked with an Irish accent and held up clovers.

He was actually an English missionary, from a little English town. He was captured by pirates when he was pretty young, and learned that if he prayed hard enough, he could leave Ireland and go back to his Christian family.

Turns out, he DID eventually escape, and became a bishop. He changed his name to Patrick at the ceremony, and lived happily ever after. Except, of course, when he had a dream. That's right -- in the middle of the night, Patrick had a strange dream from God asking him to return to Ireland, where he had escaped form several years ago, and preach the gospel to the people living there!

Before Patrick spread the word throughout Ireland, all of the land was worshipping nature, and bowing down to the trees and rivers. But, even though it pained him to return, he eventually was able to change an entire nation, and became the St. Patrick we know today!

So, apart from giving you a little history lesson, I wanted to also talk about today's reading. That Sampson dude sounded pretty revengeful and stubborn to me! (If you're listening, sorry, Sampson!)

He tricked people into doing things they didn't want to, and after all these tricks and riddles a LOT of people hated him. Instead of dealing with it like a normal human, the land became infested with people who were constantly seeking revenge on one another, to the point where Sampson had to lie to his wife, and the entire nations associated.

Truth is, even back then in the Bible... things didn't go the way you planned. There were evil people back then, too. There were people you wish you could strangle because they're SO mean or SUCH a liar or SO clueless to any one's feelings but their own.

Patrick was actually kidnapped, people. He was taken away from his friends and family and lived away from them for several years in a foreign place. But, he stayed true to his God. I think that's what we need to do as believers. There WILL be people or subjects you want to destroy. You might hate someone or something.

But the Bible tells us to love everyone. Everyone needs Jesus, and once Patrick realized this, he went back to Ireland and preached the good news of Jesus and His love for everyone (even the tree-worshippers.) I'm pretty sure Patrick still had negative thoughts toward the Irish, and I guess that's normal. He was kidnapped, for heaven's sake.

But he then realized that maybe the people that were meanest to him were the people that needed God the most. God even sent him a dream of the people of Ireland screaming for help. He then realized that his God was more important than his grudge with Ireland.

Let that be a lesson for all of us. I'm sure most of us can think of someone that makes them cringe. But if we're truly going to be like Jesus, and do what HE WANTS, then we'll love them, just like He would.

That doesn't mean we have to run up to them and give them a big ol' hug and scream "Jesus LOVES you, and so do I!"

But, maybe you can try and steer them in the right direction. Talk to them more than usual, apologize if necessary. God will be SO pleased you made an effort, and he'll help you out every step of the way. Be sure to tell them about how YOU get through tough situations, (like PRAYING, for example.) Or, maybe you relax at the end of the day and read my blog :) I have little cards you can print out if you really want to share the message in a casual way.

There was a girl I saw today. She seemed really upset about something, and I'll be honest... I was afraid to talk to her. I was afraid of what she would think. Maybe she'd assume I felt sorry for her. Granted, I did feel pretty bad for her, all alone and all. But I feel even worse now for not at least talking to her.

People (in general) aren't offended if you talk to them about Jesus. Some might, yeah, but most people will listen to what you have to say, especially with God helping you out. If you can't find the stamina (or the words) to tell someone about Jesus, you can always print off my cards (or some of your own) and hand them to someone as you walk off. If they motion to stay, and they want to talk, then by all means, DO. But if they just glare at you... don't be discouraged. God has his ways of working himself into people's lives.

Give it time, and don't forget to drop any grudges you have. Be like St. Patrick! Go tell the world!

Now that I think about it -- that'd actually be a really cool thing to talk to someone about. "Did you know... St Patrick's Day is actually... You should check out this site..."

Go in Peace, Lad!


Granny said…
Thanks for a little history lesson on St. Patrick's Day. It is the day your Granny married Doug, so it is pretty special....and a certain Carly was in the wedding. Now, I agree with speaking out about your convictions and about God, and sometimes it works...other times not, but they might think of how you acted in good faith, were nice to them, and spoke of your God, and later, they might want to be more like YOU or more like your God.
Carly said…
Very well said. I have such a good Granny. There was a quote I found on the internet saying "people won't remember what you did, or how you did it, but they'll remember how they felt when you did."

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