Samuel 1-3

Read these few chapters with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post, or at It's a brand new book of the Bible we're starting today, so be sure to read if you want a fresh start.

So, today's story starts with Hannah. It's another classic love story, her husband had another wife who bore him many children, and Hannah couldn't have children. Her husband wasn't angry at her, in fact, he was actually kind of frustrated that she kept persisting on having children. He was all "Aren't I enough, honey? Why do you NEED children? I love you!"

Aww. Too bad that Hannah kept praying at the temple like ALL the time. Her husband's other wife kept rubbing it in Hannah's face, too. I can't really imagine what it was like, but I guess it was something like "You're such an idiot, Hannah. You can't have children. Children are the greatest thing in my life, and YOU CAN'T HAVE ANY! Muah ha ha ha ha!"

This lady was pretty annoying. She probably started sounding like a child after a while. But, Hannah was still upset. Finally, one day at the temple, Hannah bowed down to God and starting moving her lips. She was overcome by the spirit, and decided if God would give her a son, that he would be Holy, and live at the temple.

The head of the temple, Eli, called Hannah crazy. Actually, he called her drunk. He thought she was insane to ask for such a thing -- especially the way she was praying!

But even people of great important, like Eli, can be wrong. Hannah was able to have a son, after all the time she'd spent praying and asking God for one. She kept her promise to God, and decided that he should live in the temple. She named him Samuel, saying "Because I asked the Lord for him."

Hannah was able to have other sons and daughters now, checking in on Samuel from time to time. I assume he was pretty happy living with Eli and Eli's sons in the temple.

Eli's sons were troublemakers, though! They kept sinning and messing up the sacred offerings that Eli made, and it didn't go unnoticed. In fact, God even warned Eli, saying that he better knock them into shape, or else He would forever judge his family. Duh duh duhhhhh. (That was my interpretation of scary music.)

Eli must of ignored God, because of what happens next. Samuel was getting to sleep, when he heard a voice call "Samuel!" So, he ran into old Eli's room, and said "Yes? You called me." Eli replied "I did not call you. Go back to bed."

Being obedient, Samuel went to bed... when the exact same thing happened again. He went to Eli, and Eli said "I didn't call you! Go, get some rest!" This happened a few more times, and finally -- Eli realized that it was God who was speaking to Samuel. He said "Samuel! Next time you hear that voice, reply 'Speak, for your servant is listening.'"

This time, God talked to Samuel. How cool, right? I think so. However... God had some bad news. Eli didn't listen to God about his sons, and God told Samuel that He was going to judge their family.

Samuel warily told Eli, and then Samuel was forever known as a prophet of God throughout the land.

What will happen next? Read tomorrow to find out.

For now, let's concentrate on the message of today's reading. Don't you think it's funny how Samuel kept being called by God, and he didn't even recognize it? Whether you believe me or not, God is doing the same thing to you -- right now.

He's calling you, everywhere! In every opportunity, we can praise Jesus. In every room, in every town, at every party. If you listen to Him calling for you, then it becomes clear:
God doesn't want you to only praise Him at church, or when you're by yourself. It's our job to be a witness to his greatness, to his death, to his Resurrection. he's begging us to listen to Him, to tell others about Him.

So, try and focus on that everywhere, and don't mistake it for something else like Samuel did.

Peace out.


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