Samuel 17-18


So everyone knows the line "don't blame me, I'm just the messenger."

My question... is there any situation where you have to say "please, blame me. I am the messenger." It's a weird question, I know. But I'll try to explain. There is a method to my madness.

Today was the story of David and Goliath! If you haven't already, read these short chapters (Samuel 17-18) at or with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post.

Anyway, David was the youngest of all his brothers, and all of his brothers were fighting in the battle/war/thing with the Philistines. David was sent from his father, Jesse, to bring food to his brothers. He was told to find out how they were doing, and what was going on. Then, David would bring the news back to his father. David was, in this situation, "the messenger."

And, I know there wasn't a Jesus at the time, and David might not of considered himself a very religious person. But, because he was "the messenger," I think it's important to highlight what WE can be as a messenger of Jesus.

David went into the war/battle/thing with one purpose: give food to his brothers and find out how they were doing. It was a simple, yet important task. I think we're forced with tasks like this everyday, maybe ones we like to do, ones we don't. The fact of the matter is, just like David, we have chores or tasks that we can't get out of.

This is where it gets interesting. David finished his task, and had a pretty hard time doing it. His brothers were criticising him, and there was even this bitter fear that spread throughout the camp about a Philistine guy named Goliath. He was this 9 foot champion, who went to the Israelites daily and asked them if any of them wanted to fight. Everyone was naturally terrified of him!

And here comes little David, just trying to finish this little task he was sent to do, when he came confronted with GOLIATH.

We can apply this to our lives, when we want to do a simple task and something goes unexpected. That always happens, right? You think the task is going to be easy, and right when you're just about to be done... problem strikes, and you have to do something about it. Grrrrrrreat.

But did our messenger, David, complain? Did he whisper "thanks a lot, God!" under his breath? Of course not. He did the exact OPPOSITE. David went to the leader of the people named Saul, and asked if he could fight this Goliath guy.

Saul saw how little he was, and was probably laughing his head off inside, but said "what the heck," (Note: Saul didn't actually say "what the heck") and let him go for it after David begged. Saul agreed and set him off.

Can you imagine? You were just sent to go and help your brothers, when you were confronted with this colossal gigantor freak of nature who now wants to kill you. Quite the change of events.

Yet, like I said before, instead of arguing, or backing down, David chose not to whine to God. He faced Goliath with only a sling and 5 smooth stones. Then, Goliath started trash talking David, saying that he's going to feed his flesh to the birds, and all the things a cool fighter would say when faced with someone who they know they'll win against. Or thought, anyhow.

But... time and time AGAIN, David did NOT talk back, he showed no anger or frustration. He was just dissed by some huge guy that he thought was going to KILL him, and he stayed true to his God. This is my favorite part. David has been enduring a lot throughout this little task (that ended up being not-s0-little after all,) and all of the things got in the way of his task.

But, he does not get mad, he does not give up. When it seems like everything has fallen apart for David, and he thinks it's his last straw-- he does the unthinkable.

He preaches.

After being dissed by Goliath, he says this:

1st Samuel 17:

‘You come to me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

46This very day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head; and I will give the dead bodies of the Philistine army this very day to the birds of the air and to the wild animals of the earth, so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,

47and that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not save by sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give you into our hand.’

HOW AWESOME, AMEN? It gives me chills, just like yesterday's scripture. David was at the end of the rope, but instead of throwing it all away, he told Goliath (this guy that was about to KILL HIM,) about God!

Turns out, David's loyalty is look highly upon by God, because David's words became true! He slayed Goliath!

This is my message to you. The people of the earth are messengers. We are all here for a major purpose, and we must accomplish little tasks in order to reach the main goal, heaven with Jesus. So, if we think of God in EVERY TASK we do, there's no question about whether or not we'll be thanked.

It seems pretty impossible to think about God all the time. Yes, I do believe it IS possible, but it's really hard. So, in times of difficulty, remember Jesus. In times of happiness, even. But when the world seems to be coming to an end, it's important to trust that God will provide.

If you do everything in the name of God, all the people around you will be awakened to God as well. All the people who saw David slay Goliath knew that the God of Israel was the true God, because of David.

So, be like David. God will not make it unnoticed! I promise.

Next time you make a mistake, don't give the excuse that "you're just a messenger." NO, you're THE messenger. It's our JOB to tell people about Jesus, so be sure to do that any chance you get, alrighty?

Peace out.


Granny said…
If we just ask God's will in all our tasks, we would be amazed at what accomplishments we could do. Some look undefeatable, and yet, with God's help, we can make it happen. We just have to remember to keep him in our every thought and taks.
Granny said…
This is a test from Grandma's house. She reads your page too!
Carly said…
Woo hoo! Now all my grandmas read! Thanks for reading, Grandma!

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