March 9th -- Joshua 18-20

Read these easy three chapters at or with the BIBLE READER to the left of this post!


The word boundary was used 23 times in today's reading. No, I didn't highlight the word boundary in my Bible 23 times, I went to and searched for the word boundary. It appeared, like I said, 23 times in today's reading. So, what's this have to do with anything? How can land boundaries apply to my life, or any one's life?

Fist off, you're thinking too literally. Don't think about property boundaries, even though that's what the Bible was talking about. It kept mentioning Dan's boundaries, or Simeon's boundaries. My question, though, is what are your boundaries?

Don't think about physical boundaries, but spiritual ones. Not only can spiritual boundaries say how much or how little you prevent something, (for example: "that's past my religion's boundaries,") it can also apply to how much effort you put into your faith.

And I'm here to tell you this: everyone is different. Everyone interprets the Bible, or their faith in different ways. Why do you think there are so many branches of Christianity? Is one particular branch better than the other? Well, of course not. The fact of the matter is that all types of Christians share the same general idea, "to have faith in Jesus."

Where, then, does this idea differ for you? Having faith isn't something you should neglect. So, there's your lower boundary. I personally think that a faith isn't something you go and be all flamboyant about, because it might turn some people away. So, there's your higher boundary.

Where do you fit in?

I think it's important to recognize your boundaries, first of all. Then, try and outdo them. I know, I know. It doesn't make much sense. But let's say your lower boundary is right on task. You don't neglect your faith, you remember to pray every once in a while, etc. Your upper boundary is pretty low, though. You might be afraid to talk to others about Jesus, or admit that you follow Him. This boundary then, can be broken.

I guess what I'm trying to say is once you realize where you fall on the "Christianity scale", (keep in mind there is no actual scale here,) you begin to notice things that you can do to better follow Jesus. Maybe pray before meals, or talk to people you know about Jesus. If you never sit down and figure out where you fit into the equation, you'll never know where you need improvement.

It's always important to keep your faith under a radar. Everyone is different, so maybe your boundaries aren't set in stone yet. But if you want to better yourself, maybe you should take a second to look over what it is a Christian is trying to accomplish, and try to meet those boundaries.

Just like in today's reading, where does your chunk of land fit into the community? Where do your spiritual boundaries fit into Christianity?

Does that make sense? Let me know if I'm being clear or not, but other than that - - -



Granny said…
That was a good take on our personal "boundaries." We have to examine ours, to see if there is room for improvement. Thanks for the reminder.

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