March 10th -- Joshua 21-24

These four chapters end the chapter of Joshua! Be sure to read them at or with the BIBLE READER widget to the left of this post!

Alright! Let's start off this beautiful day's reading with the end of Joshua, and the end of Joshua's life, too. But he lived for a whopping 110 years, which is a pretty good life, if you ask me!

Before died, though, he gave a big speech to the Israelites about what to do, what not to do, how to live when he was gone, etc. One thing I noticed that was repeated a lot was for the Israelites not to worship foreign gods. Some might interpret this is a god from another land, and although they were told to stay away from those, too, today I'm going to talk about foreign gods -- the things you shouldn't put before God.

If you're a different religion, then by all means, listen closely. But if you ARE Christian, what are some things you can name that you put before God? Sadly, I can think of a whole list of things I put before God, most times without even noticing! Like, for instance:

- money
- social status
- smarts
- looks
- possessions

All of these things are, yes, pretty important. And yes, you do get judged based on some of these things. But NONE of these things, (or any things,) should be put before God. I'm not saying you literally put a stack of money on a pedestal and worship it or something. But sometimes, whether we know it or not, we have this imaginary pedestal we put things like money, or social status on.

For me, I sometimes think too hard about something that isn't really that important. (What should I wear, what can I say that will make me look cool... blah blah blah.) But does it really matter? I'm turning these things into little versions of gods, and practically spending more time on them then on Jesus.

Did money die on a cross for me? Can my clothing love me eternally? I'm going to say NO on that, for obvious reasons.

Jesus is the son of God, people. He isn't something that you have to constantly worry about, because He loves you no matter what you wear, or how much money you have. Do you think Jesus sits up in heaven gossipping about your clothing, or your new car?

That's what's SO GREAT about Christianity! You don't have to pray a certain way, or dress a certain way to please Jesus. His love is for EVERYONE. Be sure to show it to everyone today, and tomorrow, and well...


Don't make anything your everything except for God. Because one day, when you're dead and gone, you'll have nothing but Jesus anyway, which is more than enough.



Granny said…
Sometimes we all get caught up in "things." But "things" do not get us eternal life. They do not even last a lifetime.
Granny said…
As an after thought, we are human, and God knows that we want a new outfit, new car, certain shoes, etc. Just as long as we do not put them ahead of God in our lives. They are temporary things, but they are in our lives. We have to make sure that is not ALL we have time for, and that we keep time out for worship....not just pleasures. There is a difference.

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