Acts 10-11

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The Bible teaches us to go out and tell others about Jesus, and to follow His commands even when it's incredibly difficult. There are some humans that I feel I have nothing similar with them! How am I supposed to talk about a subject as important as FAITH with someone I have nothing in common?
In today's reading, two different people, Peter and Cornelius, were brought together by nothing but the Holy Spirit. These two people did what the Spirit asked, and were eventually united.

The next day Peter started out with them, and some of the believers from Joppa went along. The following day he arrived in Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends. As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence. But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”

Acts 10:23-26
What Peter said was really humble, but also really true. We're all human.

Let's not joke around-- just because two people are human doesn't mean they have anything major in common, right? It's not like ALL humans are Christians, or like the same football team.

But if we truly want to follow God's plan for us, sometimes we have to reach out to those we feel we have nothing in common with. Yeah, it'll be hard, and yeah, it might be a little uncomfortable, but what if we think about it this way:

Every human was created by God. Every human should have the right to get to know Jesus, because every human will eventually pass away from the earth.

If we understand that all humans are God's people, and that we DO have the fact that we'll all chose our faith one day, it becomes less difficult to talk about faith.

No one is above anyone else. We are not below anyone, or higher than anyone. We're all human, and we all make choices. If we go into a relationship knowing that "Hey, this person might not know Jesus on a personal level. One thing we DO have in common is that we can both chose to love Jesus! Maybe I can help them in their decision," then MAYBE it will be a little easier.

Know that Jesus is always with you, always, and His people all have one thing in common:

They're all human.

Peace out.


Granny said…
You are doing your part in reaching out to others, to let them know about Jesus. I am proud of you Carly Gaile.
Carly said…
Well thanks, Granny. I love you.

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