John 13-15

Check out to read todays verses or go to the BIBLE READER to the right of this post.

So Jesus does something big in the reading tonight. He washes his disciples feet. washing someones feet was usually done by the lowest ranking person in the room, it was a dirty job because everyone wore sandals on the dirt roads, plus everyone walked everywhere. When Jesus does this he knows that his time on earth is coming to an end and that he needs to teach his disciples another lesson: humility.

We all need to take this lesson in, especially in the world we live in today, sometimes we think things are beneath us to do, maybe it's babysitting your little brother, moving the lawn, cleaning up the house, or something more. But we need to learn that we need to be willing to do God's work in the world, doing whatever it takes to get His message out there.

Jesus tells his disciples-

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

John 13 34-35

Sometimes we don't want to show that we are christians because we are afraid people will judge us or that we will scare people away from faith by coming on to strong. Jesus gives us a great way to show our faith in the verses above, and the great thing about it is it doesn't come on too strong, yet it makes a great impact on people. It's love. Little changes can make a big difference, the next time a group of your friends are gossiping about someone or making fun of someone just don't respond, or take it to the next level and speaking up, change the subject or say something like "Come on guys, please stop it, you don't know what they might be going through." Some people hide things better than others, no one knows what someone may be going through and just hiding it. Being kind to a stranger on the bus, saying hi to someone in the hallway, complementing someones shirt or personality, it can brighten someones day and show others that theres something different about you, something they want to have too. When you're making others feel better you automatically smile more, are happier yourself, others will come to you and then you can show them that its your faith that makes you happy.

peace and love


Granny said…
Love one another. Little things, like you say, make another's day sometimes. You don't have to come on strong to follow God's teachings and make a difference.
Carly said…
You're so right, Granny :) Isn't Keely a genius? Sometimes being subtle is easier and more effective!
Anonymous said…
Excellent job Keely!!!!

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