Acts 16-17

Read these chapters now with the BIBLE READER to the right of this post or at, or with your own Bible, of course!


It's a nearly impossible task, to show Jesus' love to those that have shown you nothing but hate. But, Jesus teaches us to love NOT just the people we love, but those who we reallllllly don't like.

In today's reading, Paul and Silas were put in jail for no apparent reason, and if I were them, I would have been FURIOUS, right? I would want nothing to do with anyone, or anything. But Paul and Silas sang HYMNS TO GOD when they were in jail. They didn't complain, but prayed to Jesus.

And, guess what? God set them free.

The jail guard didn't know what happening, so he was freaking out. All the prisoners were escaping, and he tried to kill himself because he knew he would be in SO much trouble when they escaped!

But instead of hightailing it out of the jail, Paul shouted "Wait!" and went to stop the guard from hurting himself. He succeeded, and saved the man from death. Not only did he do that, but ended up talking to the guard, his enemy, about God and His love!

Read the story if you haven't... it's phenomenal!

Anyway, I thought that was pretty inspiring. Love those who try and persecute you. Paul could have just ran away, shouting "Can't catch me!" as he escaped. But he didn't and he stayed for his enemy.

I love God's love.

Read it if you haven't, I LOVED TODAY'S READING.

Peace out, folks.


Granny said…
It is hard to love and pray for those who treat you unfairly, and those you do not like. But, God teaches us to do this. If we work on it, God can turn us around, when we pray for our enemies.

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