John 18-19

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Today's reading, I'll be honest, was a little depressing. It was all about Jesus' death, and I didn't like reading about Him being crucified. It hurts my stomach to think that the person that came to SAVE THE WORLD was chosen to die by those He came to save.

The worst part was how Jesus was being polite about everything, and never ONCE was rude to anyone. He knew that everything that was happening was the fulfilment of the scriptures, and it was all supposed to happen.

I hope I'm not the only one that feels a little depressed, am I? It's so sad to imagine being there as your savior was being killed.

Howeverrrrrrrrr, one verse just stuck out from the rest of the depression, and that was this, when Peter was trying to save Jesus from being arrested:

Jesus commanded Peter, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”

John 18:11

It just makes me have this everlasting sense of hope when Jesus, the son of God, was willing to admit that even he had a destiny given by His father. If Jesus follows God's plan for Him, it makes me wonder what I'm doing half the time!

We all have a cup to drink. God has so many great plans for our lives, and although some of them may be painful, if our Father was murdered on a cross, it's the least we can do do just suck it up and face what God gives us.

It's tough to worship God in times of trouble. But if we focus on all the great things that come tied to our faith, it makes drinking our cups a little easier.

Think about that.



Granny said…
As sad as it was, Jesus knew his destiny, and that what was planned for him was going to come about soon. We just have to keep the faith and know that God has the plan for us, and drink from our cup, as you say.

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