Acts 18-19


Often in the Bible, people speak of God's will. People today talk about that, too. What's God's will, and whatever happens happens because it's God's will... yadda yadda yadda. Today, we're going to talk about that certain will. Are all of our moves planned for us? How can we make decisions? Does God know what's going to happen?

There are infinite amount of questions I could be asking, but I'm hoping today to find some answers.

...He [Paul] himself went into the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. When they asked him to spend more time with them, he declined. But as he left, he promised, “I will come back if it is God’s will...”

Acts 18:19-21

Humans stress sometimes. We get bothered by little things and freak out over things that AREN'T THAT IMPORTANT. So, what should we do? What's this "will" Paul is talking about?

Most humans stress and plan EVERYTHING. This isn't necessarily good, because sometimes God shows us things we need to know, and we're too busy planning what's next.

We need to understand that EVERYTHING is monitored by a God that loves us. And things that are OUT OF OUR CONTROL are controlled by God. God doesn't make us steal or murder, that's our choice. But if something is out of our control, God has a plan. God has an ending to every chapter in our life, and a brilliant way to start a new one.

So, don't stress about things you can't change! Look to God when you're stressed, because whatever HE plans is what will happen.

Go in PEACE today, and pray instead of stress!

Peace out.


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