Romans 15-16


Today's message is pretty short. Really simple. Super easy.

Do what you came for.

Have you ever wondered why we're here? It's the age old question that's pretty over-asked, to be frank. Why must people search all over the world for the "meaning of existence" when it's clearly stated in the Bible, over and over, and proved time and time again?

We are here to spread the word of Christ. To let others know of His power, and His love for each and every person living on this crazy earth. The disciples in today's reading dedicated their entire lives to Christ, even when they were persecuted and tried before courts-- their love for Jesus was SO great they were willing lay everything down for Him.

I want SO desperately to do that with my life, too. To follow God's commands and go out into the world to spread His word. But for now, I just want to remind everyone to work towards that same goal.

Take every chance possible to spread the word of Christ.

Rather, as it is written:

“Those who were not told about him will see,
and those who have not heard will understand.”

Romans 15:21

Think about it.

Peace out.


Granny said…
It is up to us to spread the Word!

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