Romans 1-3

THESE CHAPTERS ROCK! Read them now with the BIBLE READER widget to the right of this post or at You'll be happy you read them-- they're some of my favorites so far. I kept having to highlight and mark all over the verses, and they're AMAZING. Read 'em now. I can wait for you, I'll be right here...


Today's reading had a LOT of good points. It was hard to shove them all into one clean, themed, devotion, but I'll try. I felt like all of them had this sense of internal faith-- they all focused on not what we do on the outside but with what our hearts think. What we feel and believe inside.

Believe it or not, God knows your thoughts. He loves you and knows you better than you know yourself, and even though we sometimes think things we wish we hadn't, God judges fairly and with justice and that's what I love about today's reading.

It gave me this sense of hope like no other, which is interesting, because the verses were all about faith and things you can't see. Yes, it IS possible to have a positive sense of security in God without seeing Him.

For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

Romans 1:17

Live by faith! Read the encouraging words in today's reading, because I can't put all of it into words. Just know that we're NOT perfect, and God knows that. But He judges us on the inside, and we should feel secure in knowing He's there, all the time.

There is only one God. And He's literally DYING to have a relationship with you! So read into the chapters! They'll only take about 10 minutes to read and you won't be disappointed.

Peace out.


Granny said…
Having faith in something we can't see is the hardest, but that is what God asks us to do, and our path to salvation.

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