Job 26-30

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So, the book of Job. It's all about realizing that no matter how badly we want something, or how bad something seems, there is always hope in the Father.

Sometimes I forget that, though. The littlest thing happens to me, then I feel as if the world was going to fall apart, right then and there. But then I get ready for my daily devotions, snuggle up in a blanket and grab my Bible, and as I'm trying to clear my thoughts . . .

"Gosh, what have I been stressed about?"

I think that to myself, a lot. It's good to be worried about SOME things, it shows you care about them. Like grades, or tests, or sports events. But if we take those little things and harp on them day after day... there's always that chance that it won't work out as planned.

Then what do you have left?

It's good to be well-rounded. I found this quote on Facebook about giving up everything, and it reads:

Never make anything your everything. Because once it's gone, you'll have nothing.

So firstly, never make anything your everything. Besides God, I guess. But don't turn out like one of those priests who ONLY reads the Bible all the time, and spends all their time in church. Because Jesus' command was to LOVE GOD, anddddddddd to also LOVE OTHERS.

So make sure you're well-rounded. That way, if something doesn't turn out, you have God to fall back on.

But there's always that situation when you think that everything is going wrong, and you'll never figure things out, and there's no hope... and blah blah blah. THIS is where you can take a deep breath and remember Job.

He dedicated his life to God, and when everything started falling apart, he had some realllllllly big issues. If you read the chapters, you'd see what I mean. He kept putting all his hopes down by talking about death and hopelessness.

Not that I blame him, though... he has been through a LOT. And, whenever you feel like you're going through a lot, just take some time and thank God that you're not in the same boat Job is, and ask for His help.

Got it?

Email with any questions at or comment below under the "anonymous" profile.

Have a lovely day. PEACE OUT.


Granny said…
Poor Job. He had some major problems. We have stresses and worries, but it is so nice to have "The Holy Spirit..or Holy Comforter" here with us on earth. There is nothing too great....remember that! He leads us to it, He will lead us through it.

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