Psalms 81-88

Psalms 84:10 reads:
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhwere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

This verse really says it all. Heaven is truly the limit. We can live forever, and we will forever worship in the name of God.

Everyone sins, but Carly recently talked about how if you truly ask God for forgiveness, then you are forgiven. The more clean and pure we are towards God will result in working our way to heaven.

I'm sure a good portion of our lives (or at least mine) is spent wondering what is heaven? Or what is heaven like? How can such a cruel world have place that is truly worth dying for?

Well, i guess everyone imagines heaven differently, but what we do know is that heaven is greater than any place on Earth. Heaven is truly the kingdom of God.

Peace out!!!


Granny said…
Great job Claire! We are all sinners, but we plug along, keep trying to "hone" ourselves, so that we can be the best we can be, to get our final reward. Heaven will be without pain, suffering, tears, and such bliss to be with God eternally. That is not too shabby.

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