Psalms 62-68


Then again, our world is a pretty weird world. And most people, in relationship to the rest of the world... are weird. Different. Unique. EACH AND EVERY PERSON is unique. Every living, breathing, THING on this earth is different.

So why is it so hard to believe sometimes?

I found that in today's reading, there were many many many mentions of going out to the world. To spread the word of God. It seemed like every other verse was "Tell others of His works!" or "Proclaim what He has done!"

But sometimes, even when you want to be able to explain God to someone... it's hard. I mean REALLY hard. Because believe it or not, some people don't believe in a God, like all this crazy weird stuff in the world just happened to appear.

In science class, we learned about the Big Band theory. Of course I thought it was stupid, and weird. But I wasn't alive back then! How should I know, right? And how can I POSSIBLY tell people about things when there's no proof that it's true?

That's what faith is, though.

It's believing in something, even though you don't know whether it happened or not. If believing in God were easy, I think EVERYONE would be doing it.

But it's hard sometimes. It's hard to keep this particular faith that God existed, and Jesus existed, and everything existed. I don't want to be a downer, but I can't help but have doubts sometimes. Everyone has them every once in a while, am I right?

But THIS is when we need to stop. We need to stop questioning ourselves, we need to stop listening to others that try and persuade us otherwise. We need to just STOP trying to predict theories, and stop tempting ourselves with other beliefs.

When we stop researching other theories, and stop asking about other beliefs, only then can we focus on one thing... one belief.

God is God.

Once we just focus on God, we start to see how much better it is to have faith in Him. It's almost like trying to quit drugs or something! We just all the sudden STOP, and there might be a little withdraw, but we'll eventually come to realize how much better life is afterwards.

Once you stop believing false faiths, you can see God at work more often. You can be MORE aware of His creation. It's as simple as that.

So I urge you to stop holding onto things you have no proof of, and start putting your faith in something even MORE weird and out there. It gets so much easier if we give in to God, because only then can we understand and see His works.

Then we tell the world, like in Psalms.

I know it's a bit confusing. Lemme know if you have any questions or comments.

Peace out!


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